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Cheap Hotels in Tokyo


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My GF and I are planning to go to Tokyo during the holidays... (I know its a bit late)

so far we found Capsule Hotels

Capsule Hotels are fairly cheap but very few acccepts female guests.

1,900 YEN for double

Hotel New Koyo

2,500 yen each/night

Anyone knows more hotels as most of them are going to be fully booked.

We decided to take the night bus Osaka - Tokyo for (9,500 Yen Return)

We might go skiiing or snowboarding around NAGANO as well still not sure where though.

Would like to see hokkaido or sapporo but too far and expensive just for the transport.


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you wont get any cheaper than 2500en a night actually i doubt those prices.... capsule hotels are designed for drunk salarymen.

if you want cheap your looking at a minimum of around 8000en for the night and those are love hotels.... its a little expensive but thats what tokyo is all about

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you wont get any cheaper than 2500en a night actually i doubt those prices.... capsule hotels are designed for drunk salarymen.

if you want cheap your looking at a minimum of around 8000en for the night and those are love hotels.... its a little expensive but thats what tokyo is all about

Yup. Capsule hotels generally run at around 4,000-5,000 yen per night per person. I have never heard of a double capsule as they are all designed for just one occupant.

Generally capsule hotels only accept one sex. Hotels catering to women are rare.

As akeenan said, Love Hotels would be your best bet. Just remember to go for the 'stay' price, otherwise you'll be turfed out after a couple of hours.

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check this link for double capsule hotel


tokyo or japan is very expensive

transport kills as well

saw this rental site and not sure if they charge per day or the rate for 3 days


its 6,000 yen listed doesnt say if its a daily rate or for the 3 day period...

it will be sooo cheap if its for 3 days but I doubt it, to good to be true...

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check this link for double capsule hotel


tokyo or japan is very expensive

transport kills as well

saw this rental site and not sure if they charge per day or the rate for 3 days


its 6,000 yen listed  doesnt say if its a daily rate or for the 3 day period...

it will be sooo cheap if its for 3 days but I doubt it, to good to be true...

Bugger me. That's the first time that I've ever seen a double capsule. If you look at the tarrif though, they're quoting 1,600 yen per person per night, which works out to 3,200 yen per couple. That's still suspiciously cheap though. Go and have a look, but expect extra surcharges. The Japanese are experts at adding those on.

The car rental looks like a three day rental at 6,000 yen per day. That's about what I paid last time I rented a car here.


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That is the three day rate actually, tocoo's weekend mazda deals are killer

Tokyo isn't that expensive either, it's just that I think you're trying to go unreasonably cheap. If this is the pricerange you're looking at you really need to be looking at backpacker hostels, not hotels

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In tokyo especially with hotels and anything related to accommodation be prepared for extra costs..... you will find with love hotels that you can only enter them from about 10-11pm if you want the `stay` rate and usually there arent any rooms avaliable because they are all full with hourly/ 2 hourly visitors... what you have to do a lot of the time if you want to get a room earlier pay for the first hour or 2 then pay the stay rate..... ive been to quiet a few of them over here and the cheapest we could find was 8000en another one cost us 15000en as we had to pay 2 hours first then the stay rate to be guaranteed a room...

Tokyo isn't that expensive either

I think youll find it is rather expensive compare it to any other city in the world.... oh wait its rated as the most expensive... my first month rent here cost me 3000 AUD for an apartment smaller than my bedroom at home.

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I think youll find it is rather expensive compare it to any other city in the world.... oh wait its rated as the most expensive... my first month rent here cost me 3000 AUD for an apartment smaller than my bedroom at home.

Certainly rent is expensive (though to be fair you really should seperate out the key money, deposit etc from the rent) however for the traveller thats irrelevant. What matters is transport, food, hotels etc and in that regard Tokyo is not bad at all and cheaper than most of the other cities its size.

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having just stayed there a week ago.. my suggestion is taito ryokan for 3000 yen a night.. although very old.. i found it very comfortable, too be honest i had better sleep there than the 300USD hotel i'm staying at currently..

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I heard the Ryokans are the more reasonable ones to stay in? Anyone else have any Ryokan experiences?

I'll be heading down in two weeks for holiday and TAS 2005. Would like to meet up with any SAU Jap guys :P If you're free that is...

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hi guys, i'll be in tokyo from the 13th, possibly extending through to whenever i decide to come back again!.. its a stop over from a trip back home to scotland however i'd like to make the most of it..

my main question/concern resides around hotel/accom - whats the best way about booking it - would i be risking it in just rocking up at the airport and finding something from there?

I've left my travel to the very last minute .... leave thursday and i just found out about going about 10 minutes ago!

Any help would be appreciated.


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I recommend you book or make a reservation 1st to save urself a headache later walking around looking for a cheap hotel. Check with your travel agent normally they can give you good packages. Also look at JR passes if you are planning to travel a lot by train will save you $$$

If you have a big budget for accomodation it should be fairly easy as you could check in with those expensive hotels.

Right now during holidays its very full as we had a very stressfull days sorting out our accomodation, not sure about after 13 Jan.


maybe I might see you at the TAS 05 :)

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Google can be your friend for accom but I often use the welcome inn booking service (itcj I think, google welcome inn and you'll find it), sometimes tocoo (not great for hotels really) or a simple "accomodation *****" search. In Tokyo we generally stay in the same hotels anyway, new city in shinjuku if we want to stay that side of town, kayabacho pearl for the east side (breakfast included) and also sumisho on the east, these are generally around the 12000-14000 yen a night twin share though. If you have a JR pass remember that you can stay a bit out of town on one of the shinkansen lines to save on hotel costs.

Last time I was there some mates stayed in a ryokan just north of ueno which they thought was excellant, I've just shot him a mail to ask for details.

Oh, the other thing I'll add is if people want to go out at night they should remember that while Tokyo stays up the subway does not. When selecting a hotel I'd recommend that location should be your most important priority. The other thing is that I've found that while the cheap hotels are small and basic I'm yet to stay in one which I'd call a "dive" in the way a cheap hotel in say New York or London can be.` If you're choosing between a "nice" hotel in a crap area and a not as nice hotel in a good area I'd go for the latter. Oh, and the other thing (yeah, I know, there's been a few) is that most buildings in japan look pretty crappy from the outside, that is not necesarrily a reflection of what they're like inside. The average business hotel will be a ferro concrete and look like it's falling down but the rooms will likely be perfect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Ryokan is great for traditional experience and cosy too.

But nothing beats a love hotel, Since you are a couple go for it they are good and free porn on TV nice spa and mirros on ceilings you might get lucky and get on with a swing for her or a Pachinko (slot machine) for you if you are bored or soft hehe.

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we already came back from our holidays

we stayed in a ryokan/backpacker style house west of Ikebukuro for 10,200 YEN for 3 nites which is very very cheap!

downside is the heater is coin operated! 100 YEN for 2 hrs but the place is good enough they got cable tv as well! hehehe

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