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so the police stopped me.....TWICE


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was stopped on friday nite in northbridge for no reason. turned down a side street beside Saigon to make a u-turn and go back up towards Rise and was blocked by a police truck which proceeded to flash me and turn on sirens.

a policeman then came down and tried to get me to own up to stuff. he was like, "so have u managed to figure out what u did wrong?" and i was like, "nope..." and in the end u dun have ure P's on and i pointed out my Ps which were in plain view! and then he says my tinting is too dark to which i reply the car was just over the pits (when registering and compliance) and that it passed and then he wants to check my boot to which i say OK but then he decides not to and lets me go.

what was the point?

an undercover also approached me and some friends while we were outside Marble Bar in east perth and took our ID details but we were only waiting for other friends to arrive. and they searched the car. are they allowed to do that?


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what was it that they called W.A.???

a police state..... haven't had any probs with the cops in the skyline, but in my last car there were a few probs, just get pulled over all the time, just get your permits for things like pod filters etc etc, and u'll be rite.

BamBam, i think i saw you at tuart hill maccas last thursday, black 'line parked out back, at one stage you were chatting to one of the guys i know "pez", drives the white falcon V8??

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Although it sucks, I can sort of understand where they come from - on ounce of prevention etc. If you're not doing anything wrong generally they will sus this out pretty quickly and no real harm done. I 'spose it does help keep the dick heads under control or at least away from popular areas. It is sometimes worth thinking about what it would be like if any fool could roll up to a popular place and carry on like a total f*%khead - wouldn't make for a very pleasant place.

It can still give you the shits though

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Originally posted by WASSABI

Bambam when you say they "searched" your car what exactly did they do and where did they look?:eek1:

Ahh in the car ;)

Generally it depends how dodgy u look and how nervous as to how far they will go. Standard is just the under seats, storage comparments and boot. But if they think they are on to something they wont stop until they find it eg. stickin hands in cracks in upholstery and trim searching under car and bonnet and pullin carpet up in boot and floor.

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no guys my car is totally stock standard! not even a decent radio! no bodykit:(

WASSABI - just the boot and look inside the car, under seats, glove compartment etc.

R33_Cam - sorry mate wasnt me...;) i know ure probably gonna give me shit coz i dun even know where Tuart Hill is...;)

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Originally posted by Pva_Glue

they probably looking for and RICEY stickers or oversized RICEY Neons :lol:  

or TT heheheh....




Joe ;)

i thought turbo timers were legal in WA??

anyone know the deal?

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well they are I think I am just messing with ya!

but correct me if I am wrong

I red some where that it is illegal to leave your car turn on without no one in the car.

that make sense?

Ps. and CAM I was not reffering to your car at all ;) I was just saying... in general heheh ;) ( see you are paranoid now, word "RICEY" comes up you thing it refering to you :lol: )



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Originally posted by Pva_Glue

well they are I think I am just messing with ya!

but correct me if I am wrong  

I red some where that it is illegal to leave your car turn on without no one in the car.

that make sense?



Makes sense.

Remember that immobilisers are compulsary in W.A and a immobiliser is effectively useless while the engine is running.

So it makes sense in terms of the current law that they are illegal but ****ed if I actually know.

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hahaha nah joe i didnt mean that you were referring to me:p just sayin that for the ultimate in "ricey" look you need neons underneath (as i would know) :lol: :lol: but cops dont usually look underneath, cause they dont wanna get their pants dirty :bahaha:

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with my tt it's wired through so that while the engine is still running, the timer obviously counting down, then the car will switch off fully when it hits 0 - I thought everyones is like that??

nonetheless, the alarm comes on after 20 seconds, whether there's someone in there or not, so they won't get far and I'll know where they are if they try to ;)

also in that 20seconds they'll have to work out how to get into my car and if they smash the window then I'll know about that too

they just can't win :uh-huh:

oh, unless they shoot me and take my keys ;)

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