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Hi-Flowed R33 Turbo on rb20


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How much HP would i get by putting a hi-flowed r33 turbo on an rb20?? Will i need 2 get bigger injectors?? And who's the best man 2 take it 2, 2 do the work??

that first question is very vague

it depends on what boost youre running, what fuel system you have to cope with the new amount of compressed air being shoved into your plenum etc

also, what wheel sizes have you chosen for the hi flowed r33 turbo...have you put a t04 compressor cover on with a 56mm compressor wheel or a 52mm wheel. what AR is the compressor and turbine???? ....you see how vague the question is and how its impossible to give an accurate answer without providing more details.

youll need more fuel if youre gonna run more boost to take advantage of the new turbo. i wouldnt add extra injectors ever. its hard to get the ancillary injectors to atomize the fuel evenly throughout all cylinders which may leave a couple prone to detonation.

if youre changing the turbo, your best bet is to change the computer (fully programmable aftermarket ie. power FC for skyline, i used microtech for my VL) and the injectors at the same time for betting flowing ones (again, i used r33 GTR injectors because they are top feed like the VL and flow 440cc). by this stage, it all adds up.

by this stage youd want a higher flowing fuel pump and maybe an adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

the best way of finding someone to do the job is to ring various workshops and ask their opinion on the matter. some will only be too happy to help and provide great advice. then you decide who you felt most comfortable with and who gave the most honest advice and stick with them


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I've got a SAFCII & the fuel pressure regulator so will i still need a new computer??

The high flowing is goin 2 b done by turbotech so i still dont know exactly how they r high flowing it.

I'm really just curious on how much HP i mite get b4 i go ahead and do it, better know now whether it is worth doin it then costing me down the track and not getting the HP i want.

But thanx it gives me a rough idea of wat other costs r involved and factors i need 2 look into.

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no worries

youll have to keep the standard injectors for now then. youll be able to squeeze a couple more psi through the squirters with the adjustable fuel regulator.

the inprovement will be quite good cause the car will actually be making more power up high and not plateau as before, which is good when combined with the reviness off the rb20 engine.

just make sure you keep a good eye of the air/fuel ratios on the exhaust gas analyser when on the dyno...im sure the workshop will do this for you

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So many factors 2 look into with TURBO's.

OK last question 4 da night, will i get around 300HP with a standard r33 turbo on an rb20 with: sard fuel pressure regulator, apexi power intake, splitfire direct ignition system, SAFCII, 3" exhaust from turbo back with 4" tip, 600x300x76mm Hybrid Intercooler, running max boost the r33 turbo can handle.

Thats my plan anyway do you think it is possible. All i need now r the parts, if its worth it, thats y i ask 4 ur opinions. :confused:

Thanx :)

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I agree with u on that one TJ... good condition Rb20s wit standard turbos can make 250rwhp, id expect a hi-flowed rb25 turbo cud make anywhere from 280-300rwhp!

If tuned right on around 1bar of boost of course... good luck and let us know where u go and what the outcome is as i maybe doing the same :(

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