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Japanese TV in Australia??


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Hi guys,

I just bought an r33 gts-t and it came fitted with a touch screen lcd headdeck. Now some of the writing on this headdeck is japanese however most of it is in English. I have two questions:

1. Is it possible for this head deck to receive reception for australian tv via a booster or converter?? Right now it doesn't pick up any tv reception at all and the guy at autobarn said that it never will.

2. It supposedly came with GPS, but the dvd-rom that was loaded in the headdeck only works for japan. Is it possible to buy an australian dvd rom for australia that would work in my head deck.

The head deck is a no name brand "NDKT-D52" <- only description on it.



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Short answer unfortunately is no, and no. See this thread for a discussion on the same topic and a company that can do the TV conversion (at a price....):


Re the GPS, there aren't that many companies that do maps for Aussie, and AFAIK none of them are compatible with the Japanese GPS systems. First step would be to work out who makes the unit (may have to take it out of the dash), and then see if that company does a product for the Aussie market.

If it is a factory fitted GPS unit, it will most likely be made by Clarion or Sony and I'm 99% certain that neither of them do maps for the Aussie market that would be compatible with a JDM system.

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Sorry, the GPS DVD is made by Toyota Motor Corp. So i'm guessing it's from a Prado/Landcruiser as these cars come out with the same stuff. I've managed to track down one GPS DVD but it only has maps for America. Plus they do not have a contact for any australian dvds.......

The dvd looks like this one



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Err, Toyota, umm, that would have been my.... Nope, wouldn't have guessed that! This one here then:


Judging by some of the other pages that google turned up it looks like a fairly recent unit - 2002/2003 or thereabouts.

Are there any Aussie delivered Toyota or Lexus models which come with a nav option? If so you could try Toyota Aussie, though they may not want to know.

Other option would be one of the Toyota/Lexus owners forums?

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That's the one.....almost, looks very very slightly different. Toyota don't have the faintest clue where to start looking, i don't think they have much info on headdecks.

Possibly from the new Prados but can't find anyone who has the disk for it. :confused:

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