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Identify this mystery factory speaker

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Hi Guys

I have been wondering if anyone can tell me what this part does. it seems to be some sort of speaker but i cant figure out what its for.



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electronic ebay blowoff valve. :confused:

You cant be serious if sombody had one of those fitted to a skyline they should be shot, That wiring plug is stock nissan one too

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Yeah, unplug it, see if the car goes without it, if not its some type of airflow metre, it might of had an accident and they couldnt find the part, so they took it off another car insted? or something like that.. just a guess..


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I cant see the attachment, but I'm sure I know what your talking about. Its a speaker that is supposed to go "beep-beep" when you open and close the locks using the factory Nissan remote.

Mine stopped working when I got the new alarm system put in. I miss it, my new alarm is a total waste of money and I cant revert it back since they lost my factory keyfob :'(

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