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Bad (and good) experiences with suppliers from Hokkaido?


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If you've used a supplier from Hokkaido (north island Japan), please either PM me or leave a post here outlining how it went.

I recently imported a car and it did not match its description upon arrival, and I'm interested to see if anyone else has had similar problems or other problems.

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I seem to remember a thread with a couple of guys who had bad experiences with cars from the North (the name Mark seems to ring a bell for the supplier). Can't find the thread though ;)


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let me guess. it was rusty?

there is a well known supplier up north there who buys a lot of cars for prestige and others too. some people have had bad experiences with him some have dealt with him many times without problem. my feeling is that this thread wont help you at all. your best bet is to try and resolve it with him. possibly tell him how you feel and he may refund the fee he charged, or find another car for you for free.

best of luck mate ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought my 4 door R32 from hokkaido... probally same supplier as well, everything was basically like the pics. cept for the crappy paint but thats expected of a 15yr old car... Also the interior was crappier then i thought it to be... There was a little bit of rust but nothing serious...

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i hope you guys with the hokkaido cars that say they aren't rusty check them out really, really well. I have seen heaps of hokkaido cars over the years and more often than not they are rusty, sometimes it' just

harder to spot...

most people 'in the know' won't touch cars from hokkaido for this very reason.

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