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Does R33 Gtst Stock Shocks Fit R34 Gtt?


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So I could look for some second hand R34 front shock/spring assemblies and wack them in my R33?

Why? They are no better than standard R33GTST parts. Don't let the possible K's of an R34 fool you, they aren't that good, even when new.

Same ride height after you think?

Most likely, since they are both ~375 mm centre of wheel to guard when new.

:D cheers :)

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Does anyone know where to get Kybs or monroe cheaper than $130+gst each?

I think I'm going to go povo option. I think the reason the standard shocks dont last long is because of the crappy dust boots. Almost all R33s have none existent boots by now. All that dirt getting in couldn't help...

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Thanks SK - can you get just the fronts in bilsteins ? 

Ill check the group buy

Will having only the fronts being adjustable be any benefit?

Could I put my standard springs on the bilstein shocks?

No problems, the Bilsteins come in pairs, plenty of guys have used them with standard springs. The extra circlip grooves mean you can set the height a little lower even with standard springs. Not too low though as the standard spring rates are not designed for short travel,

I think the reason the standard shocks dont last long is because of the crappy dust boots. Almost all R33s have none existent boots by now. All that dirt getting in couldn't help...

It is actually the other way around, the shocks wearing out means there is no compression damping and they get excessive bump stop contact. This constant pounding on the bump stops wears them out and causes the dust covers to get trapped and torn by the up and down motion of the shock shaft.

:D cheers :)

PSl; the Bilsteins aren't rate adjustable, they have a large enough damping window to handle it.

Edited by Sydneykid
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WHat difference in handling would I notice with just the front shocks being bilsteins - would this be worth it you think?

Thanks SK.

The front is 60% of the total weight, so the improvement is very noticeable. More control, better turn in, less dive under brakes, all the usual things you get from using decent shocks. You can always upgrade the rear later on.

:blink: cheers :)

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