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Everything posted by Bluprint

  1. Can you just feel the love in this place
  2. Sounds like you had a great night on the road
  3. You'd definetly find it much easier to bolt the gearbox and the engine together out of the car. Do yourself the service of doing some tidying up in the engine bay whilst it's got no engine in it, that's one thing you learn with being part of an engine conversion When we were doing mine we pulled the Neo out of the halfcut with the loom still on it (Had no reason to take it off), the only thing we did with it was feed it through the firewall for when the electrician went to wire it up, so I can't really offer much insight as to the connections on the engine itself sorry. Just looking at the engines side by side you can see a few obvious differences. If you still have the RB25 originally from your R33 I'd plonk the engines side by side and just look at them & pick the differences, preferably with an R33 and an R34 service manual at your side
  4. I know it's not exactly the same but I've recently had a Neo fitted to my R31 We found it much easier to remove the RB30 with the gearbox attached to it, and to drop in the Neo with the RB25 gearbox attached to it as well. You do need lots of hands to guide it all in properly without smacking anything though As far as the wiring loom goes, you need the Neo loom and computer there's no question about it. How different are the looms? The first thing the electrician said when he came to wire it was "Erm, phuk." That was coming from a guy who's done a lot on R33 RB25's but had never touched a Neo before then. Either way he got it running in a day so don't be discouraged
  5. That should have been 8 game straight THAT WAS BULLSHIT
  6. No no Michael. Everything that is on ACA is completely unblased and true. All of us are heathens that should have all our privelages stripped and a big stamp on our foreheads saying 'detriment to society'. Anyway back to reality I doubt they'd read it on the show, it might start people thinking that entirety of the modified vehicle population might not actually be unsafe drivers. Can't have that.
  7. No Mick don't do it! They might think it was me! :wassup:
  8. Don't mean to steal your topic but you might find it interesting anyway, I guess it's down the lines of what you're asking..... I hear with R33s if you block off a vaccum hose it's meant to give you more boost, is this the case with the Neo engine as well?
  9. White R33 GT-R this morning on Hindmarsh Drive about 7:15
  10. It's a couple of minutes past cotter heading towards Tharwa.
  11. Well said. The only opinion that matters is the owner's. Anything extra is a nice bonus
  12. I already told him about the remaining rear half of the car dunno if it's still there or not though..... one way to find out.
  13. If it is finished I will. But it's pretty unlikely that it's going to be legal in time.
  14. *Mark sits back & watches the fireworks, whilst being completely happy with his car, not claiming it to be better or worse than any other car here. Each to their own. Some like em, most don't.
  15. also, Corin forest road is closed just after the bobsled track I think
  16. (Bit late) Went past MickGTR in Erindale on Saturday bout 2pm
  17. I don't suppose you have any photos of the damage? Also I PM'd you with the details of an R34 GT-t rear cut that may be availiable
  18. It's apparently extremely difficult and stupidly expensive to do the IRS conversion. It's something that I would absolutely love to do to my Silo though if it was easier than it would appear to be.
  19. heh you mean Martin & Kirstin It wasn't their car, I know it quite well, this one was different. Theirs is silver, this one was more bluish. They do come in very similar but different colours.
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