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Ahh Cops Suck!


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I am going to tackle your argument in written order, because there is too much info to summarise it all.

It is easy to state that I contradicted myself, but you haven't shown me how. I have always stated there is a time and place, were risk is minimised and people's safety is maximised. Driving like a tool with other cars around you is just stupid, then having a go at the cops for rightfully doing there job and expecting others to join in is beyond comprehension. If I have done something wrong I do not / will not slander the entire force for my mistakes.

Your previous experiences in court explain you utter lack of resect for the law and other motorists. And encouraging others, with phrases like:

Yeah mate, your on a high performance imports sight and there is people telling you off for speeding! hahahah

give me a f**king break!

you should buy a slow car and drive responsibly like everyone who is telling you off. Because they didnt mod skylines to go fast oh no, it was for the hobby of it all. hahahhah.

to follow your path puts you in a league of your own. The way I see it, you have not learnt your lesson, but can't afford the fines, lawyers, courts, etc., so have decided to "slow down". Part of the lesson is this: There are other innocent drivers on the road, think what would happen if something goes wrong and respect their rights to get home safely.

Yes my 220kh/h and other "off the clock blips" were done at a track b4 braking into a corner, does this make it any less thrilling? Fools may think so, but I love the fact that when all goes well I have vented my adrenaline and have my lic. to drive the next day.

Ask any of my friends, I enjoy hard take offs, and yes just to the speed limit, I enjoy taking a corner or a round-about at the speed limit, knowing most other wantobes can only try, knowing my suspension and handling has been modified to do it safely. Call it lucky or whatever, but if my luck, with lack of infringements, has lasted 10yrs then why the f**k have I not won the lottery?

If you read my post properly it state: "You sound like a teen with the mental capacity of a chimp.

After my response to your initial post, your replies have somewhat changed. You now have repeatedly called anyone who speeds an idiot, which is just what the rest of us were doing. So please explain these lines:

1/ Yeah mate, your on a high performance imports sight and there is people telling you off for speeding! hahahah

give me a f**king break!

2/ you should buy a slow car and drive responsibly like everyone who is telling you off. Because they didnt mod skylines to go fast oh no, it was for the hobby of it all. hahahhah.

3/ If you have bought the car with the intention of driving it within the law, well your idiots for modding a 6cyl turbo car to do this. as its a complete waste of your money on fuel

Just remember; time and place. And if you get caught for excessively breaking the law don't expect any sympathy. I am by no means a saint, but often make an educated judgement on the risks at hand. THAT IS PROBABLY THE REASON FOR MY CLEAN SLATE.

Reading you initial post, i don't think any reasonable person knows where you are coming from, but your last posts have a totally different meaning and is more in line with what others have stated, including myself.

Unfortunately life is not black or white and the "fence" has A LOT more area than either side (grey area). That's when we choose our limits and act upon our own experiences.

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the way you see it is wrong moron.

I have payed my fines learnt my lesson and have a salary package at a engineering company paying 65k a year so what now?

I wasnt indorsing driving like a moron. I was stating that more then likely people telling this guy off(yes he was in the wrong) probably have driven in a dumb way from time to time.

im not responding to anymore posts from you because you obviously dont have the brain capacity to understand this. Or you just like to argue one of the two.

nine times out of ten people buy a fast car when they haven driven a slow one hard and decide they want a faster one. And to say that when they got the faster one, they went straight to a racetrack is very hopeful to put it nicely.

How dare you accuse me of being a looser who cant afford fines and slowed down for that reason. my tax and super contributions add up to a lot of peoples wage.

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and the quotes you mentioned from me were what i was stating in referance to what i personally think a lot of people have done who give this guy shit.

Yes he did the wrong thing, no i dont speed any more! do i need to highlight it in red like you did?

I guess the quotes that i made that you made referance to was sort of like statements from a reformed smoker. perhaps a bit cocky and uncalled for.

But regardless of what you think of me or what you think i was saying, i was making referance to people throwing stones. Perhaps im wrong.

But taking a corner at 60 kms an hour just because the sign says 60 before a round about doesnt mean it is safe in the eyes of the law to be doing that.

Id almost put money on it if you went through some of the round about near my house doing 60km near a cop car you would be done for dangerous driving.

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You were so hung up on other peoples spelling and grammar, that I thought I'd better correct your typo so you could sleep at night.

schumacher is "CH" not "CK"

Danke. Mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut. And I was never much of a Schummy fan, anyway! I am afraid that poor use of language infuriates me. Usually, I grit my teeth and ignore it, but as I was replying anyway, I thought I would pile it on!

As for the rest, my apologies for stirring up Ross80, I am afraid I could not resist. Particularly as he was being so impolite to begin with, although I am hardly stung by his crude attempts at insults in reply.

The entertainment continues! At least it beat the TV last night!!

Keep going, Al, you're on a roll.

Cheers. :P

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on a lighter note ml crisis.

could you please tell me how to set up a tech post so it appears in the right spot? Also how do I delete a blog i created that constantly gets bombarded with 30 junk emails a day!?


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Just last week there was a similar story of bad luck. Fortunately this did not involve me.

Picture this, peak hour traffic on the M1. Traffic moving very slowly at about 60-70 in a 100 zone. Motorbike weaves in and out of traffic, missing cars by inches. Another bike sits patiently behind the cars. Get to where the transit lane is (entries and exits from lane limited), and the motorbike that was sitting patiently immediately goes for the lane. A few minutes later I come across the cops, they had pulled this second biker over - no doubt for speeding. Just goes to show, that you can drive like a complete fool on the road and often you will get away with it - but drive over the speed limit even by a litlte bit and it is a huge offense.

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probably gonna get booted for this but go figure....

many of times i have been given a hard time by the law for driving within the speed limit and suffered consequences cos the police want to give me a hard time cos i drive a SKYLINE!!!

on the other hand i have gone passed the police well over the speed limit and they ignore cos im in my company car that is a commodore. im not saying the police let people with holdens off but I think when police see a skyline etc. they tend to get the mentality that this is just another hoon and im gonna bust his ass...

if you break the law u should just cop it on the chin and deal with it but i do believe we are blackballed cos we drive skylines!

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I have been driving along a fair few times on the Gold Coast. I have found cops will look at my car and merge into my lane and pull me over just because it is a sports car.

I havnt driven it since i put a 400r bar on and it is only about 4 inches off the ground, so im not looking forwared to being pulled over next time. What is the legal height in qld anyway?

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By the way I noticed someone else posted something similar to this but it is true.

If you challenge a ticket or charge, according to a current affair I saw it was something like 90% of people get off with a lighter charge or fine if anything at all.

Makes sence really they dont want to tie the legal system up with minor mistakes so they can it all together sometimes.

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and.... towards the topic abit more....

mate i've had like 3 speeding fines in the past 5 months. i dont start threads about how it was the cops fault i got caught speeding. sure i was pissed off..... but at myself..... not at the cops for doing they're job....

i dont drive like an idiot all the time... and im not gonna say i drive sensibly all the time either. but this whole thread is pretty pointless imo.

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since i put my bodykit on ive has nothing but trouble...

it must say look at me(ive got sh*t going on c ome and defect me)

since the start of the year i have been living in melbourne cbd and the police havent worried me. There is a skyline on every corner. When i was living in the country the cops had nothing better to do than pull me over and give me a hard time.

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WOW your have some tough ass fines in Australia! I got caught going 175km's in a 80 zone and i just got a $384 fine! and he told me to slow down!!! then the cop asked to sit in my car (Skylines are really rare in Canada) only about 100-150 of them in Canada!

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lets hide and catch speeding motorists.... why not more police presence and slow down motorists...

the poor guy explains how a simple confusion cost him his licence and every one gives him shit like hes a terrorist. Sorry we are not all so educated and smart thinking as you all. Sorry if we make a mistake and mis understand a certain speed zone... are we guilty for minor mistakes or incorrect judgement of speed zones due to lack goverment lazyness and not posting easyly identifiable signage? looks like we are guilty for there shit.

Mate, take it to court, get yours self a lawyer, explain your situation and you will be fine.


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people can be educated and still full of shit. Just as many smart hypocrites as dumb ones

That was my whole point of comenting at all.

I think that this is dragging on a bit.

Drive safely go about your life. If nobody has anything better to do then jump on a computer and have tic for toe discusssions its pretty sad. Maybye a holiday is called for?

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on a lighter note ml crisis.

could you please tell me how to set up a tech post so it appears in the right spot? Also how do I delete a blog i created that constantly gets bombarded with 30 junk emails a day!?


ross, next time sit back and put your intent into clearer terms with reasonable grammar and I dont think you will escalate such a flame war. I knew where you were coming from but your choice of words did not help your cause.

As to the above - go into your blog settings and make it closed to comments - I was having the same issue and that fixed the spammers.

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