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Vroom Vroom! Dis Ish My New Car!


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*insert noob accent*

hi everyone! i am new to skylines and wanna share my new purchase!1...bleh

[RB 20 WA] part II has just begun.

she's a 1990 stock as a rock, and i have never seen this colour b4 anyone else familiar with this colour. thinking i might be the only one with this colour?

oh did i mention she is auto!! yeah!! :yes: no plans to remove that slusher either.

time for coillies and some intimacy with our tarmacs soon!!

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congrats on the new car!

be careful tho, the guy who sold you it might have been dodgy, happened to me aye. :unsure:

steve ;)

edit: profanities and slander removed :yes:

Edited by KLowN
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not wanting to take things on a personal level, (however i shall say Steve i am deeply sorry for what has happened to you, but i still stand by the condition of that car when i sold it to you, and the report that i was given.) this car is the second car i looked at. I knocked back the first one (gts-4 sedan) due to being told it was actually dodgy(blown head gasket history!) i have decided on another r32 because it gives me change/allowance in my pocket for a engine rebuild, should anything happen.

well i stand corrected! blast and i tot i had something unique!

oh as for that lil s cargo it really did look "pimpin" in the flesh too LOL

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he he he, nice car man, i was actually lookin at that one for myself a while back, i decided not to as it was a slush box, and i had just come from a slush box, i ended up buying a silver 32 four door off one of the guys that worked in that yard!

Nice car though, very clean.


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not wanting to take things on a personal level, (however i shall say Steve i am deeply sorry for what has happened to you, but i still stand by the condition of that car when i sold it to you, and the report that i was given.) this car is the second car i looked at. I knocked back the first one (gts-4 sedan) due to being told it was actually dodgy(blown head gasket history!) i have decided on another r32 because it gives me change/allowance in my pocket for a engine rebuild, should anything happen.

well i stand corrected! blast and i tot i had something unique!

oh as for that lil s cargo it really did look "pimpin" in the flesh too LOL

if your so 'SURE' of the engines (to quote you) "perfect condition", why did you sell it to me to buy another 32 thats a different color. its identical.

and if your SO SORRY, how about you help me out financially with some of the money i gave you. sorry is a word, it means f**k all. financial help because you TRULY ARE sorry is another matter. hell i can handle being ripped off, but i cant handle you apologising profusely, yet not offering a helping hand.

hope everything with your car goes well, i wish nothing bad on you, im just a little dissapointed you stooped so low.

all the best, steve.

Edited by KLowN
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Steve i was going to keep the car... now i obviously didnt want to tell u that because 1) you will never believe me after all that has happened now, but ask my brother and ask his girlfriend and they will say the same thing, when u paid for that deposit i was already regretting i sold the car, i didnt want to be without a car anymore, which leads me to number 2) why i bought a literally identical car, it was here in perth ready to drive away, no waiting required. Now if i had told you that and said "sorry i dont wanna sell it anymore to you, chances are i would definately had chopped a fair bit from you as well." so either way i am caught out.

Steve i know the engine died only a few days after u bought it, but the questain begs, how? i drove that car since may 2005 untill may 2006 and it never skipped a beat on me. I would not have a problem at all if you wanted to speak to people who are close to me and have being in constant "contact" with my car, my mechanic who last worked on my car included. I told you all that was wrong with it, to what i was told by my mechanic, and that was all stated in the report that he handed to me. i am not trying to take the blame away from myself, i am simply trying to put my side of the story. I understand what u r going thru, because i also lost my first car and made a huge lost (from $5800 to $1800) however i really believe that i didnt do the shifty on you. i sincerely didnt know my bottom end was going to let go in a few days of you owning it.

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these things happen when you deal with old performance cars, its the buyers responsiblity to ensure the car is up to there standard before purchase, if it was just an rb20 that poped, then its cheap as chips to replace so i dont see the big issue klown../?

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Financially i am not responcible/obligated because this car left my hands in good condition, with no evidence at time of the sale tat it was going to let go.

PLease remember u bought a 17 year old car. with absolutely no service history, apart from may 2005 to may 2006 when i owned the car and recorded what maintenance i performed on it. With this in mind its obvious buying a performance car of this age needs quite a lot of pre purchase preparation. I never refused the car for any inspection steve. if u asked me for a car inspection on the car and i tried to talk u out of it, then we would be in a totally different scenario right now.

the reality is 15 year old imports sound and look great on paper, but there is alot of caution and pre-knowledge required in buying one.

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"if your so 'SURE' of the engines (to quote you) "perfect condition", why did you sell it to me to buy another 32 thats a different color. its identical. "

I bought a sedan, identical engine yes, but i now need a car with four doors.... and no i aint gonna be a dad either!

And the offer of 1500 drive in drive out RB20det is still there.

Edited by J_R32
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no there wasnt a independent inspection on his side done. when i had my rocker cover gaskets replace i asked my mechanic to do a basic engine check for my own piece of mind ( compression, oil pressure test, fuel pressure test), and the report was included with the car.

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the check was done, to my understanding, at my request. i still have the pms to prove it.

as for you pointing the finger at me being the reason it died, i rang you the second i got home to tell you

# 1 the car just stalled in my driveway

# 2 the door doesnt lock and you didnt tell me

# 3 the suspension is f**ked

then when i came to pick up liscence papers, you 'neglected' to tell me that the oil pressure gauge was 'broken'. and assured me it was. 10 seconds later i was at cypher with a gauge connected to it to test, adn was being told i needed a new bottom end and there was no way i did that damage.

i dont know what sort of relationship you have with your mechanic, but from the looks of it, i think he got his mechanics experience from playing with toy cars.

either way, i am now lumped with no car and have to take a loan to get the car back on the road, and also just lost my job.

im allowed to be pissed.

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