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Any Tony Or Spyro Fans?


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Someone other than me must like Tony Hawk, because they've made so many of them! :D

Has anyone got their hands on Project 8 yet?

Does anyone plan on getting it?

Any idea what's going on with Downhill Jam?

Are they only making that for Nintendo? :D

If so, that sucks. :P


The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Spyro rocks, I can't wait to try this one. ;)

I suppose everyone else is too grown up for Spyro?

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Some of the newer Spyro games a a little more complicated than the older ones, there was one that I had terrible trouble navigating.. can't remember which one it was though, all the landcape looked the same. :)

Had a quick squizz in EB games today, both games are now available, it's just a matter of deciding whether to get them for PSP or PS2 :huh:

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Yeh I love the Tony. Just bought an American Wasteland/THUG2 twin pack the other day for $50 (Harvey Norman). I'm enjoying playing American Wasteland so far (as are my house-mates hehe).

I was reading a review for Project 8 on ign the other day.. didnt sound too promising from what they were saying.

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I wasn't really happy with American Wasteland, I think they just wanted to get it into stores prior to (last years) christmas rush.

I had all sorts of problems with it.

There were lots of stupid glitches, I kept getting stuck inside walls, or stuck in impossible spots with no way of walking/skating/jumping/climbing out, other than resetting the console.

...but apart from the bugs, it was a good game.

The whole "no loading" thing was a bit of a scam too....

At least with the loading screens it gives you a little while to look away from the screen and give your fingers a rest.

Without the laoding screen, you have to continue skating along really boring bits of landscape while you wait for it to load.

Oh well... at least the game came with a free watch. :woot:

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Ive been played pretty much all the Tony Hawk games since the first one but to me its starting to get a bit stale. There is only so much you can improve it and alot of the newer titles make it hard to justify the price when it seems more like an expansion pack than an new game. Still at the end of the day I still get it cause I just have to unlock the bails vids :happy:

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Last tony hawk i got was number 4. They started to stagnate after that. Even 4 wasn't all that different from the earlier titles.

But the new one is built ground up for the next gen consoles and looks alright.

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Been playing Project8 on 360.. the xbox and ps2 versions were handed off by neversoft to another developer. Neversoft themselves are now focusing on PS3 and xbox360.. In Project8 there are a lot of small enhancements, and the graphics kick ass, but with that they've taken out a few things which is a bit annoying. Over XB Live it's pretty awesome fun skating against 8 players.

Like the above, I mainly played THPS 3/4.. a little bit of THUG1. Project8 is good if you haven't really played them for a few games. Bit like the EA stuff.

Downhill Jam is a totally different game more like the snowboarding games.. just for the Nintendo Wii.. The use of the motion controller should make it worth playing, despite the graphics not being quite up there.

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  • 2 months later...

I can't get past rank #2 on P8. :(

I've unlocked the downhill section, but I just can't get that little extra bit.

If anyone has some tips (or cheats) it would be greatly appreciated.

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I've read that Downhill Jam will be coming to PS2 as well during the April - June 2007 quarter in the US. I really liked THPS 2 and 3 but haven't played any since then. I've seen my brother play American Wasteland and some of the moves that you can do look crazy!

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  • 3 months later...

I forgot about this thread :woot:

A few months ago, due to the frustration of not being able to get higher than rank 2 on P8, I decided it was time to move on to Spyro...

If you're a fan of the traditional Spyro games, don't bother with A New Beginning.


You have to watch all the scenes, Sparks can talk (and he's a smart ass, voice is done by David Spade and is ultra annoying)

You can't find a fairy and save the game, you have to play the entire level all the way to the end, or you lose your progress.... which led to having to leave the console on when some levels took several hours to complete.

Spyro has some cool new moves, and can slam things in slow motion, but the new moves didn't make up for how shitty the rest of the game was.

Completed the whole game in about 20 hours, and didn't seem to unlock anything other than credits.

Very disappointed.... especially after waiting for what seemed like an eternity for another Spyro game to come out.

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played them both,

im a bit of a spyro fan so bigs up to the new beginning,

tony is a bit meh, same old tony hawks game...bit different, pretty crap IMO

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