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Unofficial Great Ocean Road Cruise


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Im out....a CAB just ran up my ass about 30mins ago in st Kilda :):):(

it dosnt look to bad from what i could see.... couple scratches on rear bar and its pushed in a little,

but exhaust was pushed forward and muffler has about 30mm clearence from the ground.

ill take to my tune shop on mon and see what the verdict is....i might even have it fixed in time to go on the cruise i hope.

Anyways if im not there you know it was alot worse than i first thought.

I'll also post some pics if i get some time.

Edited by Borgs
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sweet more ppl coming, just a reminder to those who havent already realised it, Apr 7th is EASTER SATURDAY, if u working i feel sorry for you, if u arent, come on down and join in the fun!

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definatly cant make it...have to work.

Have fun though everyone an be safe, there will be HEAPS of traffic on the GOR on easter saturday. Be patient (you'll get stuck behind plenty of caravans & slow cars) & remember....we all have turbo's & good handling cars, dont be a dick trying to prove your "hero" status


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hey guys

back from the air show (and lost myvoice :happy: )

any way ive up dates the list, and sad to see a few of you un able to make it.

any way its still a go and ill see you guys there on the 7th

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hey guys

getting closer!!! only 10days to go!!!

for those who havent yet decided or have work that they are unsure if they can get off, plz let redlineingr31 know so we can get a definite number of cars that are coming. we dont wanna leave the servo til every1 is there.

wouldnt feel too good if some1 was left behind. so for those of you still deciding, plz dont forget to let him know.


see you there


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yep 10 days to do.

just a reminder for any body thats undecided can you let me know know later then 48 hours from the cruize i.e april5 as if your comeing or not this way we dont have to wait for any body that ant turning up.

lets see now. check list

cruize map, typed and decived on. done

brakes to be blead.

have money for fuel :(

keep counting down till cruize

also if any body who is comeing who can bring SAU merchandice or sticker would be grate. plz let me know if you plan to bring these items.

chears brentt

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I can't believe your coming down here on Easter Saturday!!!

I'm working in Lorne at the moment, and all the caravan parks and motels etc are fully booked. It is their busiest time of the year believe it or not.

Anyhoo, wish you all safe travel and be patient :(

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yea were coeming, also just got word from a copper mate of mine that the poilce will be doing same major booz bus ops (as per useral of a easter) so rember to stay .00 guys

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I hate this...said I could now I may not .

Looking for Shims(21) :D for cams and Z32 air intake for adapters or new kit.

Why me?

cnt you buy the shims and go to a wreckers for a z32 air intake adapter. or ring up zhope they specerlise in z cars i.e z32 z33 350z they might have your what your after dont have there no sorry but they are in vic

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Hi all, new member here. I'd like to come along... I don't own a line (yet) but been reading heaps on this board over the last few weeks (lots of good info!) and probably look to import a R32 GT-R in a few months.

This should be a great chance to talk to people and have an up close look at people's rides.

Hope to see ya there!


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