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Auto Salon, Help To Detail The Cars.


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There is a about 12 SAU Cars being entered into the auto salon on the 5-6 May, and a few of us would appreciate some assistance in preparing the cars for the event.

I was going to have the "Cleaning day" at my house Castle Hill on Sunday the 29th April. Lunch and Drinks will be provided.

Myself and Abo Bob will be there cleaning away, so if you have the time please drop in and help the SAU banner to fly high at the Salon.

Please PM me if you can assist and I will give you the address.

Please Note: Fat'z you are excluded from attending, you will only sit around playing pool in the Bar and drink the place dry!


Part of the SAU community service announcement.

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Hey guys, if you need any help I will donate some time to lend a hand :P I have a detailing business located in Artarmon, but if you say youve got a party at your house I can come to you. If you desire a proper showroom finish that would alot easier to achive at my workshop :) . Anyhow let me know ( PM me ) so I can organise time to lend a hand. :(

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Hey guys, if you need any help I will donate some time to lend a hand :nyaanyaa: I have a detailing business located in Artarmon, but if you say youve got a party at your house I can come to you. If you desire a proper showroom finish that would alot easier to achive at my workshop :worship: . Anyhow let me know ( PM me ) so I can organise time to lend a hand. :cool:

It would be fantastic to have you there Jase :domokun:

Andrew and I are in to help out :)

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U guys amaze me. I am normally enthusiastic but you guys have everything covered. You need some help..I can do anything...just ask..happy to do something is you need an..old man...hehehehe


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I may not be able to make it to party :(.Reason:I mite have a new deck for the car to install at that date and the drive home will make the car uber dirty anyways.But i will be out at the fiddler next sat with every1.So see you all then.

Things i plan to do to the car.

*Install deck.

*Touchup. :(



*Quick clay.

*Polish and buff.

*Go arround with a pencil and shirt/cloth.And take the dirt out of the cracks and hard to reach places.(Poo Duty).


*Remove seat covers and floor mats.

*Spray pretty smells.

*Hang fluffy dice.

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Things i plan to do to the car.

*Install deck.

*Touchup. :(



*Quick clay.

*Polish and buff.

*Go arround with a pencil and shirt/cloth.And take the dirt out of the cracks and hard to reach places.(Poo Duty).


*Remove seat covers and floor mats.

*Spray pretty smells.

*Hang fluffy dice.

Sounds like youve got everything thought out, should turn out good :(

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Many thanx to Paul & Family for organising the venue & lunch + car cleaning, you the man :) , job well done.

Great to catch up with everyone :) , nice to meet some new face & ofcourse the peeps I've seen before. Always have a laugh when everyone gets together really enjoy everybodys companie, see you all at Autosalon on the weekend ;) .

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Big Thanks to OZ and Family for having us over and putting on lunch!!!

The cars look great and had a great time :)

There were funny times in the day.....

My favourite was the guy that came past in a old Laser acting silly asking if the cars were skylines and what models were what lol...I told him to do a burnout and he said he would go and get his baby godzilla im like " no just bag up the laser" he took off and about 30mins later turns up in Bayside Blue R34 GTR and was a very nice looking car indeed...I was like you lie thats not a baby godzilla thats a big one :laughing-smiley-014: :laughing-smiley-014:

Made my day!!! >_<

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Thanks Paul, good day with good people. Top steaks and beers too. One good Sunday arvo. My noice shiny rims liked great until the rain last night!!! but atleast the insides are gleaming still!

Thanks again Paul for the use of your home and equipment, and thanks to ABO and Paul for the polish! Still puts a smile on my face >_<

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