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injector cleaning


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hi all,

for RB25DET, how effective is it by using the commercial petrol injector cleaners?? those ones from auto stores $10

if i would like to get it done properly, how should i go about it?

should i take the injectors out myself? is there a trick to it?

also who can do it in Sydney



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well RB25DE it seems to work well, i have a fuel consumption improvement as well as throttle response improvement, also with a fuel filter change/ If u do it properly by taking them out i think they just use compress air and detergents, im not sure. If u get ur car serviced sumwhere they should be able to do ur injectors

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Check the Yellow Pages under "Fuel Injection" and you'll find some people who will come to you. You really should have them properly cleaned, but then use the shop stuff (Nulon and STP(?) are probably the best) to keep them in shape.

It is possible to remove/refit them yourself, just takes a bit of patience.

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haha, i tried to remove one of my injectors a while back, gave up after trying to twist them out.. didn't really want to break one so i left it be.

I remember in my old car i was charged $200 for an injector clean, and not even sure whether they took them out and cleaned them properly (doubt it).. so just be careful you don't get ripped.

I tried some Wyns injector cleaner, didn't seem to do much in my skyline - not visible anyway.

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yeah thats right i tried the Nulon $10 thingy a while back and did not really feel any difference:(

i dont know how difficult it is to take the injectors out. guess ill have to try and have a look.

i was told that there is a method where they (the pro) plumb this special treatment fluid into the fuel line and run the car for something like 20 min.??? and this will cost around $200

also i spoke to a mechanic a while back he said that using an ultrasonic cleaner is probably the best way.

mmm not sure which way to go.


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One of the best on the market is Redline SI-1 Cleaner. I would give that a shot. Its ~18 bucks. Its not your typical solvent style cleaner (heat activated detergent) so it wont clean out your petrol tank aswell.. go to www.redlineoil.com to get some more info about it..

If you cant find it, Nulons Total Fuel System Cleaner works well too.

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You can't use compressed air to clean injectors, the holes are way too small. The only way to do it aside from fuel additives in your tank is with a special injector cleaning machine that uses ultrasonic sound waves to rattle the built-up particles free.

Try the bottled injector cleaner first, if that doesn't seem to work or not do much, fork over the $200 for the professional clean. Make sure you go to a reputable workshop. I had my Commodore's done, was quoted around $220 before I took it in, but when given the bill I saw I was slapped another couple of hours labour on top for removing and refitting. I could have them in and out in under half an hour.

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Originally posted by ron

yeah thats right i tried the Nulon $10 thingy a while back and did not really feel any difference:(  


The effect of the fuel injector cleaner will depend on the condition of your fuel system.If injectors are dirty,then you may feel an improvement.But if they are clean already to begin with,naturaly there will be no benefit from using an injector cleaner.

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A mechanic I knew once did some tests himself on injector cleaning products. His findings were that adding 1 litre of methylated spirits to a full tank was more effective than any product he used (typical off the shelf products).

Best result I saw myself was this guys EB falcon was running like crap, and he tried the wynns (spelling) stuff with no effect. After running 1 litre of metho in the car, and thrashing the crap out of it, it was much smoother, and fuel ecomony was slightly better, which indicated that the metho did the trick.

Still better to get them taken out and cleaned properly.

When I had mine cleaned in my last car (N/A R31) the only difference I niticed was improved economy...

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Metho has the added effect of getting rid of any water in your fuel. Could have been running like crap (at least partially) because of water.

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My 2c,

I had my injectors professionally cleaned when we were troubleshooting a missfire. Definitely could feel the difference after cleaning. Improved economy, more of the throw-ya-back-in-your-seat feel :P. I haven't used the off the shelf products, so I can't really comment on them.

The injectors in an RB20 are held in using thin wire clips (U-shaped). Pull the clip off and the plug comes straight off. To put them back on, put the plug on first and then push the clip into place.


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No side effect to turbo engines with injector cleaner or metho, because your turbo doesn't touch any of it. The only thing you have to be worried about is changing the octane of your fuel, but in such small doses that's not going to happen.

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Originally posted by JimX

Could have been running like crap (at least partially) because of water.

Nah, it was running like crap for a while (months) not just the last tank....

If you use metho, make sure you go for a few long hard drives, as the metho itself can evaoporate. So if you add the 1 litre to a full tank, make sure you go though that tank in less than a week.

If your worried about octane levels, add octane booster before you add metho. It can only help...

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yo ron... i just got my injectors cleaned for $22 each.... there is a place in Lidcombe 13/2 railway pde lidcomb its called AFI they specialise in cleaning injectors and all sorts of fuel stuff man...

i went there in person and hte dude said $16.50 but then told me that was trade price... kient so if u say ur from like a business then u get trade price....

if u want it done let me know man i will try get my mates performance company to get it done by them for trade price...

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