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(male) Hoons Hit Where It Hurts

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awesome edits ppl!

This as is the funniest thing ive seen all week! Aside from being totally sexist and demeaning males in general (like, if it was something aimed at women, some one would be getting sued by now...) the ad has got us all talking about speeding and our excuses for doing so.

When I first read what the RTA of NSW did, I was shocked, but after watching the clip, I reckon its tasteful and effective. Plus we get to see some burnouts n stuff...

Seriously though, rather than just slap on more fines and penalties, they are at least making an attempt to look at at least some of the reasons for why some people speed.

This is probably the first time i've actually seen something that the government has done in relation to speeding laws which they have actually thought out and put effort in. Its similar to the drunk driving ads in vic, they're not too bad.

Rather than being one of the many 'band-aids' to correct behaviour such as fines and confiscating cars, this ad actually looks and attempts to modify the REASONS for why some of us speed. I wouldn't be suprised if the next one they make relates to women and their behaviour and reasons for speeding.

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keep the photo shop chops coming people. fabulous as long as theres no racial malice in it ofcourse...

Photoshopping should be a dedicated thread, i reckon. :/

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The RTA have made some changes, they are super cool amd intouch with young people now....................the clips are hosted on myspace. No more speeding emo's :mrt:

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it's a hella funny ad.i thought.here we go another ad campaign to stop people from acting like hoons.and at the end of it all it has "stop speeding".

personal favorite is the blue vl drifter.

but if it stops the morons acting up then it's all good.you can tell a danger to the streets,and you can tell when someone is playing arround.i mean really though.i felt more fear seeing the fatal crash campaign ads that used to be on than when i seen this..

it should be more like take it to the track.FTW!!

and in the process get us a government funded nurburgring and world renowned drifting track.>11tybillion FTW'S!!!.

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Hey emsta these are the ones your talking about LOL


hahaha...thats the one....funniest shit.....there was a thread with that dude appearing everywhere! sorta like ceiling cat hahaha

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well, the photochops and youtube clip rock!!!

I was quite peeved when this thread first started cause of the RTGAY, but this thread makes me rofl!! :mrt:


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Baaahahahahahahahah man everyone of the photoshop pics so far are friggin hilarious. The modified ad clip I made last night and showed it to my mate, didn't think others would really like it but I was quite suprosed lol.

I especially ROFLD at the Back to the future pic, bloody funny stuff haha

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hahaha the rta website is getting hammered hard.

First they had a 3mb and 1mb version, their website was hellish slow.

The 3mb disappeared and only left the 1mb version

Now they are linking the 1mb version off a myspace page lol

These guys truly have no idea lol

Although every car forum is spamming the link lol

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