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24hours Of Owning Her And Already Damaged


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well I picked up my R33 yesterday and loving every minute of it today on my way to work driving up high street from stud road and came to the red lights at corner of catheys lane and high street. I was in the far right lane heading up towards glen Waverley and the lane next to me was for turning right onto catheys lane. Now road work was going on as usual so there were traffic cones on my right side with enough gap for a small car to fit through. Looked in my mirror and noticed a green EL falcon coming down. Next thing I see is she indicates to turn right and not slowing down at all tries to squeeze in but instead side swipes my car. Drive of after her exchanged details. she on the other hand was proud and said "gee that’s pretty good huh only some scrapage not fender bender"

all I could do to that was give her a blank look while picturing me strangling her lol

well called up insurance company and they will sort things out. She wasn’t insured so got a written statement from her along with all her license details.

Damage to my car is right rear quarter panel has scrapage from where the bar starts to the start of the driver’s door.

Accidents do happen but it shows how careless some people are on the roads.

Thanks for listening/reading


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How hard was it not to crack her in the nose?

lol was pretty hard. surprisingly i didnt even lose my temper. think seeing the kid in her car calmed me down and didnt wanna yell at her in front of the kid

and chanz in due time my friend.

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Yeah i seen similar things happen while i was in melb. Was working up ther n was on way home. Was slowing down for the lights at this intersection and wanted to go straight. The right turning lane was empty and the guy behind me just slowed down behind me blocking access for any car to get into that right lane untill we moved on. This dumb B!tch came racing up behind this guy behind me, wanting to get into that right turning lane and thinking that he was going to keep moving but when he stopped she ran outta road and hit him.

Just another dumb ass trying to push in and impatient.

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Oh and just this last wkend i when everyone was coming back from school holidays etc i saw some pretty average driving. I nearly had a couple of accidents due to other tossers on the road.

- Was cut off when some ass wanted to overtake me right at the end of a overtaking lane where it merged back in. Had to brake hard to avoid accident and while watchin & trying to avoid hitting this person i failed to see a dead wallaby on the road (was nite time) and ran over the bastard.

- Came round this corner @100km/h only to be greeted by another dick coming towards me on my side of the road. Lucky for me they had a good sealed sholder and i was able to dodge that one.

- When stuck in a pack of 20+ cars on a normal road i was amazed that people still risked there lives and the lives of others on the road just to gain that much needed one or two places up the line of cars. Note: cars already doing ~100km/h.

i still made it to the same place at the same time as these people staying in the pack.

I could see oncoming traffic having to brake and move off the road to aavoid accidents.

I live in the country and this is quite a regular occurance.

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what is it with some (in these cases) women who will tailgate and weave in and out of lanes to get that little bit ahead?....my guess is because they are always running late...you know chicks who are never on time etc...

i see this b1tch in a dark blue excel with dark tints seemingly every other day driving to work, super tailgating & weaving only to have me repass her because the dumb cow is in the slow lane at the next set of lights...lights go green and she starts all over again, a few k's down the road and what do you know? she's made a whole 2 cars ahead of me after seriously risky driving especially in the wet like today :whistling:

not bad looking tho :ph34r:

(not stereotyping women but it just seems that they are the ones i always see)

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Man reall sorry to hear, hope she pays up.

Like some other people have said i would have found it very hard not to lose it with her especially after the comment she made

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lol Ash, I was jokingly saying that I hope you don't dmg that car soon....ah well bad luck man, im shocked lol, dont you dare post pics up, ill be upset. lol.

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lol Ash, I was jokingly saying that I hope you don't dmg that car soon....ah well bad luck man, im shocked lol, dont you dare post pics up, ill be upset. lol.

lol dude i was thinking to myself how would you feel knowing that i just got it of your hands yesterday and now this. but hey atleast it wasnt my fault lol

but ye i hope she does pay out.

what will happen though? like i got her drivers licence details and did re-check em to make sure its all correct, got rego and a statement written by her admiting her fault and got her to sign it. i told my insurance company (justcars) about it and they told me that they will sort it out. basically they bill her for my excess. so does my car get fixed while they are sorting it out or they will have to wait till my excess is paid first by her and then my car gets fixed?

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