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Greddy E-manage Blue


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Hey guys.

Im looking at a Greddy E-Manage blue thats for sale with the ignition and fuel harness included, and its pretty cheap, was just wondering if this is a good idea for my Stagea.

or is it a bad idea and should stick to an SAFC2, or an AFC neo with an SITC?

couldnt find any info on it, hope you guys can help



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I am getting a emange soon for my Stagea. My mechanic says the SAFC and SITC are far to clunky and not as advance as the emanage which is a true engine management system. The other two devices cost more anyway.

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also, do they work well with auto's?

and ive heard that tuning them can be a bitch if not done by the right person.

might have to look into this with my tuner.


keep the info com


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If you can find someone to tune the emanage (or whatever your chosen piggy back might be) and do it well that is half the battle, and should be your main consideration. You could buy the best engine management on earth but if you can't find someone to tune it and for a competitive price it's not worth a great deal. Look at tunning costs, as they may effect the overall cost which is more important than the initial purchase price.

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thanks luke.

i have been told that not many people do tune the E-Manage, only ones i have seen are in NSW, such as CRD.

ive sent accross an email to my tuner, and ill see what he says

if not, ill just go the usual route of an AFC neo and an SITC when i can find one.

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also, do they work well with auto

asked aaron at sliding perfomance same question, his answer was

They absolutely do positively yes

dont think sk is convinced tho

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