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Clutch Friction Point


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Hey All,

Ive been doing some searching through the forums about adjusting the clutch friction point on a R33 Gtst and it seems that the only adjustment available is at the back of the clutch pedal.

Currently my clutch takes up with the pedal almost fully out. if i just have my foot resting on the clutch it can be enough to allow it to slip.

My problem is i dont see how adjusting the back of the pedal is going to be benificial in the sense that i just want the friction point to be further down the pedal stroke. But if i spin that U bracket up or down the thread, in my mind thats simply going to move the pedals resting position further or closer away from the firewall but the friction point on the pedal is still exactly the same. also keep in mind it doesnt appear that the piston going into the master cyclinder can come out and further if i was to spin the U bracket down the thread, but then expect to have the pedal return to the same position... if that makes any sense?

post-3061-1158191313.jpg <- clutch pedal attaches here

Please someone tell me i'm wrong coz i would really like to fix this... and im hoping my clutch just isnt to far warn....



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umm when my clutch cylinder leaked and had to get repaired.. it wasnt bled in properly. The clutch friction point was as what you describe. It was RIGHT at the top/end of the peddle.

I then took the car for a trash and noticed it was slipping like crazy from 4-6000 rpm.

Took car back to mech and he stuck his head under the dash where the pedals are and adjusted something.. the pedals friction point then sat at a lower position.

From what he told me... the clutch pedal should have some free play at the top of the pedal.. if it doesnt it could mean 1 of two things.. either

a. the clutch pedal needs to be adjusted


b. the clutch is on its way out

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I dont think the clutch is dead coz its been like the for quite a while and hasnt been gettin worse. i do also have a little bit of freeplay at the top but as soon as u get past that freeplay ur at the friction point. Ive never noticed it slip under load on the track either (lots of 5000 to 7000rpm)

heh this only started anoying me after i drove my mates r33 and the friction point was way down the bottom...

I was also under the impression that my clutch was standard but after this same drive in my mates car my pedal is WAY heavier than his... I guess this could just mean i havea different clutch... or maybe worth a bleed?

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i had the same case when my clutch wasn't bled properly. felt all funny n stuff. i bled it from both nipples properly and it's back to normal again.

mine has been this heavy from day 1 so its prolly just the way it is. but i think i will bleed it anyway coz i'll be pretty excited if it did become lighter.

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my clutch was adjusted wrong by a mechanic and the friction point was moved to where yours is. Ive since fixed it and the friction point was returned to normal but the clutch is now dead.... 1 clutch kick too many oh well it lasted long enough for a stock clutch.

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Ok new questions to do with this whole clutch issue

I had a go at trying to move that U bracket to see if it would make the difference in the clutch pedal but I hit a bit of a snag.

i pulled the split pin and took out the short pin that links the U bracket to the back of the clutch pedal.. and thats about as far as i got. How do you get the clutch pedal far enough away from the U bracket so that you can spin it up or down the thread? Im really not keen on forcing the piston to lean up or down to try and get it out from the pedal.

Im sure it must be really simple, just couldnt work it out.



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Hey mate,

You don't need to remove the pin and springclip.

Just loosen the nut behind the U bracket and wind the pushrod counter-clockwise, after you've turned it say one rotation jump up into the seat start her up and see if the pedal is where you want it, adjust as necessary, once it is right lock the nut against the U bracket and you're set.

By winding the pushrod you are moving the postion of the U bracket. When the U bracket is moved the friction point changes in relation clutch pedal travel. If you look under the dash when you are adjusting the pedal you'll see the pad where the pedal rests. If the U bracket is too far out this will keep the pedal partially engaged, and the clutch will quickly wear out/slip. by moving it in you'll prevent this from happening because as the clutch wears the friction point will gradually get closer to the top.

After you've made the adjustment if the pedal doesn't feel right you may have air in the system and these systems are not fun to bleed.

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Hey mate,

You don't need to remove the pin and springclip.

Just loosen the nut behind the U bracket and wind the pushrod counter-clockwise, after you've turned it say one rotation jump up into the seat start her up and see if the pedal is where you want it, adjust as necessary, once it is right lock the nut against the U bracket and you're set.

By winding the pushrod you are moving the postion of the U bracket. When the U bracket is moved the friction point changes in relation clutch pedal travel. If you look under the dash when you are adjusting the pedal you'll see the pad where the pedal rests. If the U bracket is too far out this will keep the pedal partially engaged, and the clutch will quickly wear out/slip. by moving it in you'll prevent this from happening because as the clutch wears the friction point will gradually get closer to the top.

After you've made the adjustment if the pedal doesn't feel right you may have air in the system and these systems are not fun to bleed.

Awesome, so your saying there is no issue with the rod being spun inside the master cylinder. that i wasnt sure about. i'll give this a burl when i get a chance.

Cheers mate


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  • 1 year later...
wind the pushrod counter-clockwise

what are you guys using to wind the pushrod? There is a bit of grip on there so I've been slowly adjusting with pliers but theres gotta be a better tool for the job

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  • 1 year later...
what are you guys using to wind the pushrod? There is a bit of grip on there so I've been slowly adjusting with pliers but theres gotta be a better tool for the job

I just used some pliers as well. Bit slow but got there.

You guys are all weak, its not that hard to get down there... :ninja:

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