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Making R33 Fibreglass Sub Box, Anyone Interested?


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Hi all,

Was back for the weekend and was able to get the first shell made. Slight change of plans with the construction, the original box got stuck in the mold so I had to cut the bottom of it out to get the box out. This means that the bottom and the front will both now be 16mm mdf reinforced with fibreglass. I also managed to carpet the original box and it is now installed in my car. It sounds great. Nice deep bass and clean sound. Fits like a glove and looks like it's meant to be there. Took some more crappy pics on my phone and will post them up as soon as I get back, yes sorry to say it but I'm off again. Should be about five weeks and I'm sure you guys are sick of waiting but I will get straight back into it on my return.



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  • 3 weeks later...
does anyone know what is happening with these sub boxes? like when Loftyfang is coming back and finishing them off cause im really interested in buying some.

read it and all will be revealed.

Hi all,

Was back for the weekend and was able to get the first shell made. Slight change of plans with the construction, the original box got stuck in the mold so I had to cut the bottom of it out to get the box out. This means that the bottom and the front will both now be 16mm mdf reinforced with fibreglass. I also managed to carpet the original box and it is now installed in my car. It sounds great. Nice deep bass and clean sound. Fits like a glove and looks like it's meant to be there. Took some more crappy pics on my phone and will post them up as soon as I get back, yes sorry to say it but I'm off again. Should be about five weeks and I'm sure you guys are sick of waiting but I will get straight back into it on my return.



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Hi all,

Back for the weekend but away again on monday for a week. After that I'm back for a couple of months so should be able to knock a few boxes out. If there is enough interest in the left hand side box I will consider making a mold for that side too. the only problem is that there's a bracket there for the jack and the areal is there too. Shouldn't be too much of an issue though. I'll start looking into it. Still waiting on a reply from SAU about selling them on here. Will shoot them another pm and see what's happening.



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The F3 (or 3dB cutoff point) is around 48 Hz, not exactly sub woofer territory but not bad.


ps I'm not a car audio guru - my knowledge is all in home audio, but the principles of speaker, amplifier and crossover design remain the same

Ditto mate, I designed and built my own hi-fi speakers several years ago. They sound good but I'd make several improvements if I had another crack now.

One thing to remember with car audio is cabin gain. Because of the small volume of the cabin, you get an increasing response as frequency goes down, and this starts to happen around 40-60Hz. So if you have a sub that is flat to 20Hz you will have a ridiculous amount of low bass in your car, it will actually sound like shit.

I think a 10" sub tapering off at 40Hz is ideal for a car. This enclosure looks very promising, I have been tempted to add an amp/sub to the car but not at the expense of boot space. Given the side bit is not really useful anyway I am quite interested in this!! Mounting a 6ch amp a friend gave me will be interesting, might have to make a rear boot partition out of MDF and strap it to that!!

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