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Warning To Traders


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It's not defamation if it's true :P

yes that is true, but untill you here tofus side of the story it is hard to just pass judgement on a guy.

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people come on... leave this poor guy alone so he can peacefully go off and spend BANGN's money on buying himself something else!


thats just a kick in the guts...

* get someone to drop off parts to you rather than picking them up yourself

* not have the money ready there for that person

* say thanks for the parts but not pay

* then have the nerve to ask people on the same forum to help you out buying something else!!!

I was going to help this guy out getting a good deal but now after reading this I wouldn't give him SQUAT

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people come on... leave this poor guy alone so he can peacefully go off and spend BANGN's money on buying himself something else!


thats just a kick in the guts...

* get someone to drop off parts to you rather than picking them up yourself

* not have the money ready there for that person

* say thanks for the parts but not pay

* then have the nerve to ask people on the same forum to help you out buying something else!!!

I was going to help this guy out getting a good deal but now after reading this I wouldn't give him SQUAT

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As much as it seems clearly obvious to most people what has happened. As stated before, there is two sides to every story. At this point in time we have only one side of the story.

While I can see that people would rather be warned, please go about it using the correct procedures.

Defamatory remarks made towards businesses or individuals will not be tolerated on this website - We understand that if you have had a bad experience with a business you want to warn other people of said experience. Unfortunately, the same publicly expressed opinion could be viewed as libelous and/or constitute an attempt to deter business from any individual or business. Australian law holds the site owner partly responsible for any defamatory remarks posted on said website, and that is unacceptable. Informing people via PM's is tolerated as it is not a public message. With this said, feel free to post any information about a business or individual that you have had good dealings with.

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He doesnt want to part with $20, lives in Applecross and wouldnt answer the door even though people were in the house.... Im guessing this guy is asian, more than likely chinese... bahahahhahaa

(Im asian too btw...)

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if he is chinese

just tell him to buy a bowl of fried rice and sweet sour pork for all your troubles

then some how still wake up in the bushes

btw have you talked to your friend about it yet?

Edited by viet_boi
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1. I did not request for you to leave the parts on my door. You did that on your own accord. I did not even request for you to come out to my place you were apparently in the area.

2. You were suppose to call me to arrange a time as to be home to meet you.

3. I have been in and out of Perth dealing with matters for work and it unfortunately put issues like this (although they are important) to the back of my mind. I also did the "I will deal with that when I get back to Perth" which unfortunately when you get back to Perth it slips your mind.

This does not excuse my lack of communication and I do apologise, it is not like me to neglect matters of this nature. Please send me your details and i shall deposit the cash tonight.

BTW thanks for the feeble threats however;

1. A member of the police cannot knock on my door for matters of this nature.

2. An individual of the police cannot knock on my door on days off etc to deal with matters that are not official. Friends or not.

k thnx bai

There will be no more explanation on my part on this matter and I am sure the other parties are in agreeance over this small matter that it best be left alone from here. As soon as I have the details it will be sent.


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