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Where Do Ppl Go Cruzn Round The Gold Coast?


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hey guys i have recently moved over from nz where the cruzn scene is massive ive been out a few times here at nite but have hardly seen one car cruzn just wondering if ppl actualy go out cruzin friday an sat nite? if so where do they hang out/ meet and stuff from my understanding most ppl here are scared of the cops an let them run the show?

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I generally go to the BroardWater Car Park [opersite Australia Fair shoping cantre] on Sat night around 8-9-10 PM. usually plenty of cars, and owners to talk to. although i went last night and the entrance was blocked with road barriers; not sure what is going on there. some cars [just a few] just parked along the roadside outside the BWCP and had a chat.


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I Heard they are closing it down and building a park or something..anyone else heard that??i hope its just a rumour!!


I generally go to the BroardWater Car Park [opersite Australia Fair shoping cantre] on Sat night around 8-9-10 PM. usually plenty of cars, and owners to talk to. although i went last night and the entrance was blocked with road barriers; not sure what is going on there. some cars [just a few] just parked along the roadside outside the BWCP and had a chat.


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Dawn on hoon patrol

Peter Gleeson


SOUTHPORT councillor Dawn Crichlow will mount her own night patrol this weekend to keep hoons away from a new car park that is being eyed off by car enthusiasts as a replacement for the Broadwater car park, which is closed for a major new development.

Carey Park has been set up 200m to the south of the Broadwater car park and Cr Crichlow does not want a repeat of the regular weekend hooning and illegal behaviour that has angered residents of the nearby Broadwater car park.

She had a blunt message for hoons, many from Logan and Beenleigh, if they tried to take over the car park this weekend.

"I'll lock up the car park and padlock it if they come here," she said.

She has waged an ongoing campaign to rid Southport of so-called hoons, who congregate each weekend at the Broadwater.

The new Carey Park car park will have 360 spaces and another 200 spaces will be a part of the foreshore redevelopment.

Cr Crichlow said she meant business and would arm herself with a broomstick. "My message to the hoons is that I will be at the car park with a fold-down chair and I'll stay all night if I have to," she said. "This is a residential area and they've had five years too long already, upsetting the residents.

"I will be there Friday and Saturday nights and they have been told by the police that this car park is out of bounds."

She believed the hoons would go to The Spit.

"They only left that spot when a kid was killed surfing on a car and the police went to the leaders and told them to go to the Broadwater car park," she said. "When the real car people realised the out-of-towners were causing trouble, a lot of them left. The enthusiasts lost control. It's been taken over by out-of-towners."

She said more police were needed to patrol the Pacific Motorway on weekends. "The hoons come down here in their blockades, racing each other, selling drugs, and it's got to stop," she said.

The car park is designed as a temporary one, pending the completion of the new Broadwater car park which will complement the $32 million Parklands-style overhaul.

The Bligh Government has launched strong anti-hooning laws and the Broadwater car park has been a favourite hunting ground of police and traffic inspectors.

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Cr Crichlow said she meant business and would arm herself with a broomstick. "My message to the hoons is that I will be at the car park with a fold-down chair and I'll stay all night if I have to," she said. "This is a residential area and they've had five years too long already, upsetting the residents.

Anyone go and have a look if she was there.... take ur esky and chairs and pull up in the liners next to her and have a picnic.

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avoid BWCP / Spit hotspots.. mostly full of BC kiddies anyway.. as well as being targetted by police. Keep an eye out for some of our GC meets. Dave (keeper), me, and a few others meet up for a cruises once in a while.... i'll be keen once my car is back on the road.

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Anyone go and have a look if she was there.... take ur esky and chairs and pull up in the liners next to her and have a picnic.

I didn't see the councillor; but there was a bulldog there sitting on a chair; it's face all screwed up; looked like it had a migrain headache. perhaps that was the councillor!!.

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Dawn Crutch low has a history of making rediculous statements regarding the use of the BWCP. she has difficulty with car enthusiasts gathering anywhere, anytime. I've been going to the BWCP on Sat nights for 6 yrs and considering the amount of cars that turn up there, it's pretty tame. just car lovers having a good time. the odd burnout and roadworthy breach issued is about the strength of it. the police have the situation well in hand from what I see there; no need for a crusading council 'bulldog' to use the "hoon" bandwagon to get her face in the newspaper. I live on the northern Gold Coast and there are more burnouts here on Sat nights than I ever saw at BWCP; the tyre marks are here for all to see. my point is that ; unless we are breaking the law, car enthusiasts have as much right as any other group/visitor to the BWCP.

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Dawn Crutch low has a history of making rediculous statements regarding the use of the BWCP. she has difficulty with car enthusiasts gathering anywhere, anytime. I've been going to the BWCP on Sat nights for 6 yrs and considering the amount of cars that turn up there, it's pretty tame. just car lovers having a good time. the odd burnout and roadworthy breach issued is about the strength of it. the police have the situation well in hand from what I see there; no need for a crusading council 'bulldog' to use the "hoon" bandwagon to get her face in the newspaper. I live on the northern Gold Coast and there are more burnouts here on Sat nights than I ever saw at BWCP; the tyre marks are here for all to see. my point is that ; unless we are breaking the law, car enthusiasts have as much right as any other group/visitor to the BWCP.

thats it aye we have the same rights as anybody else that are allowed to go out in public and participate in something they enjoy. Some ppl go play rugby league on the weekends, some people surf on the weekends. we enjoy our cars and hanging out with friends. i mean its a hobby, why cant these idiots ppl like her see that, im sure that she has a interest in something that she enjoys doing , does that make her a criminal? no i dont think so, and im sure that almost everybody who is into the car scene or what ever is certainly not a drug dealer. most of us are normal citizens who hold full time jobs and are respectable people. people like her shit me. she needs her head checked.

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lol well shouldnt she be taken away for loitering if she's there.. "arming with a broom stick" god, if i knew she was there i woulda gone and let her hit me.. see what she's got to say about violence.. a bigger problem then hooning.. cops should designate an area for car enthuiasts to go, away from residents if that need be it, and jus fine those who want to break the law with burnouts or what ever...

As it's already been shown (computer road, Magnesium Road) that if they shut down one place then another is established or it's taken to the highways and such, increasing risk.. At least in a carpark it is contained and the 5-0 are always outside waiting for those 'idiots' who want to smoke em..

And using the "drugs" routine to explain her actions.. so everyone waits till friday night to sell drugs then.. pull the other one.. drugs are sold everywhere all the time.. even polititians get caught.. why would drugs be sold there when everyone knows the cops are waiting right outside to collect their super.. she just wants to be seen, as the media is all about the anti-hoon atm.. get on the band wagon you old biddy

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Well i was just watching ACA surprise surprise! and 2moro night they have that dawn lady on there at the bwcp. we all should watch to see what her go is i say. silly old cow.

Edited by 85URK
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I think i seen an ad for Today Tonight on 7 tonight with reference to the BWCP situation.

Definitely looked like the same OLD BAG! mouthing off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It makes me angry that people like her can get away with such utter bullshit, the only reason she has support is because of the residents complaining about noise which i would most likely say are in her age group. Car enthusiast will always exsist before her time and long after she is gone its what we do. BWCP was designated for cruising at night for us and has been kept in check with mass police presence what does she expect?? if she gets her way we will just cruise somewhere else simple as that. its just like carrara drag strip being taken f**ken idiots.

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