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Bush Fires-narre North & Surrounding Areas


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Ant, I have been talking about this all morning.

*Gets up on soapbox for a second*

Houses in fire prone areas, should be build to withstand the onslaught of fire.

Steel Frames, Steel Roofs, fire proof cladding (steel, brick etc) aluminium window frames, proper sealing under eaves/valleys, ridges etc, steel verandar posts etc etc etc.

If a house can't combust, it worn burn... Obviously.

A fire proof cellar is also a must I think, along with a minimum of 25,000 litres of water and pumps/sprinklers etc.

This will stop the house igniting during the fire ball and hence safe property.

*unmounts box*

Couldn't agree more with the above Bass....however fireproofing a whole house is a huge expense and will impact on the designs that people want in the bush ie large verandas, large windows etc etc. Rather just apply the rule that a fireproof room/cellar MUST be present. Compared to fireproofing a whole house the cellar is cheap life insurance.

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That's awesome :thumbsup: our cruise is scheduled for the 22nd so we're hoping to get some cash flowing there too.

Ash, you never cease to amaze the majority of us with the douchebag responses you come up with. I agree, ease off with these kinds of comments until it's all over and done with. There are a lot of people who have the attitude of 'it can't happen to me', but i'd like to see how your opinion would change if you lost a loved one, or were caught in the middle of it all. You can pretend to be as tough and 'realistic' as you want, but until something like this has happened to you, zip it. There's thousands homeless, and it's nearing on 200 dead. No-one is asking anyone to be sad, people are asking for help, whether it be donations of goods, or cash, no-one has ever asked people to have a cry and carry on about it. And those of us who are disgusted at your views are the ones who are taking those requests on board and helping out with fundraisers etc. Keep up the good work people :)

My condolences go out to those who have lost friends or family, or their own homes. I am just glad to hear that the fire fighters have decreased the amount of blazes overnight, very good news.

Well said Anna :(

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Ant, During a new build, which is what will have to happen for hundreds of houses, building in a fire proof manner will not be that much more expensive.

Will also end up Eco Friendly etc due to the extra sealing and insulation.

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Ant, During a new build, which is what will have to happen for hundreds of houses, building in a fire proof manner will not be that much more expensive.

Will also end up Eco Friendly etc due to the extra sealing and insulation.

Interesting....I have never compared the cost of building a regular house compared to a fireproof one so you may be right. However I know that in my business that when I buy a fireproof bit of equipment it does cost a fair bit more. I would setup the rules that it is a persons choice as to whether they want to fireproof their whole house, but a fireproof room/cellar is a must. This also means that people with existing properties can apply the rule.

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One solution that would no doubt save lives would be similar to rules that exist in the US when you build a house in 'tornado alley'

Every house built on bush type land should have a fireproof basement/room under the building.

Damn straight mate. Dig a hole, drop in a shipping container and contreate it in. Add and entry and air and you're set.

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I dunno... if I had to choose between possibly losing my home and everything I owned or possibly losing my life and my families lives... I would torch the house myself and happily walk away

that being said I think it was simply too large and too fast for even the most experienced to be able to cope with... fire proof shelters are a must... Sadly too late to help the victims here... clearly nothing was learned in 1983, or perhaps it was all forgotten

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I wasn't going to say anything, and what I will say will contain probably about .05% of my rage directed towards Ash, but here goes.

My mother's best friend, her husband of 24 years, their youngest child (17) and their two dogs we're found yesterday afternoon in their family car which was barely out of the driveway....Now add what the rest of their family is feeling, plus how my mum must have felt when she first found out and add your comments into the equation.

Ash, not only are you horribly rude, pig-headed and elitest to the point of it being downright sickening....you now put on a display of down-right disgusting and utter disrespect.

You need to take a good hard look at yourself pal, think about what you said and who it affected by what you said, think about it again, then summarise on how much a f**king prick you are.

Once again 0.05%.

Edited by Sambo33gtst
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Dear Ash,

You are a bottom feeding scumbag.

Kind regards, Daniel

Who gave you the right to belittle their grief? No one asked you to feel sorry and if you can't feel sorry then feel the need to shut the f**k up about it because no one needs to hear your remarks. Sure you have an opinion and some of it may be true, some of it not. That does not give you the right to say what you said. It's a free country and we have free speech so when I see you I'll feel free to punch you in the throat and call you a flamin mongrel.

Ban me if you like, I needed to get it out.

That is all.

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My mother's best friend, her husband of 24 years, their youngest child (17) and their two dogs we're found yesterday afternoon in their family car which was barely out of the driveway
Fark... :thumbsup: That's awful

My condolences mate

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Not if it's buried deep enough and heat proofed, I’m not talking a sprinkle of soil and mulch on top :thumbsup:

Yeh but wouldnt the fire suck the air straight out.

Also in terms of locking the thread, shouldnt sau be having a good hard look at itself if that is the attitude of an admin and a moderator (ash), dont lock the thread because of what i have just said but really it doesnt set a very good example or public opinion of sau.

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no, the initial fireball is what sets things alight.

If there is no combustible fuel around, stuff doesn't continue to burn.

So you go into the container/concrete bunker as the flames go overhead, then emerge to a burn out, but not on fire area.

That is unless you bury your container, and then plant tree on top of it......

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FINAL WARNING - Enough with the bitching about Ash's comments, one more post like this and I'm locking this thread. You have been warned.

None of those responses are bitching, you as a moderator of this site should know better than that.

If any action is taken it should be against the inconsiderate person who started this shitfight.

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Ok sorry for not knowing people who live in the bush as hard flamin mongrels.

Why wait for authorities to alert everyone? thus my point regarding smoke and fire.

Why not leave your house every time a fire warning is out? it could be the difference between living and being burnt alive.

It takes balls to stay and fight no doubt, and good on your Mum and partner, but im sure the majority of those staying and fighting failed, spoken by the current number of deaths.

The point is that life is more important than posession. I love my home and everything in it and everyone who has been through it. But whats the point having a home if there is a chance there may not be any kids to live in it?

There could be so much less loss of life if people made a few defferent decisions thats all. Which would make times a little easier..

they COULDN'T get out

pete's post should also have explained exactly fast this shit was moving.

by the time they had the warning in some areas it was ALREADY too late :thumbsup:

even if you KNEW it was a HOT HOT HOT total fireban day, so you were updating the CFA website every half hour, you still couldn't have escaped :)

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