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[4th April] Fainthearted Performanze Car Cruise


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was going down hill on zigzag rd and got pulled over. the guy rkns i was doing 80+ (even tho i was on the brake :S) and testing my car down on winding roads. i wasnt looking at my speedo at the time coz i was too busy watching what was infront of me (was pitch black) and yea.


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had a freaking ball pity i got home at 4 at folks got me up at 730 so going to be a long day

and as for the ppl wit the fireworks at truck stop i would like to say on behalf of the car enthusiast dont come to anymore cruise's u r a bunch of idiots and as for throwing a firework at some ppl and there cars u could have killed someone u idiots ppl like u give us all a bad name so if any of u come on here just letting u know ur a twat and stop bringing trouble into a scene that is already misunderstood by police u nearly hit myself and benson and our friends when stray fireworks shot across the floor towards our cars so in closing hope not to see u at anymore cruise's because after last nights effort i dont think u will be very welcome! all in all awesome cruise i love the zig zags

ps if anyone knows who they where pm me cause the guys who they threw the fireworks at would like to contact them regarding there paintwork

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yeh those knobheads with fireworks are probly gonna get in some shit,

a couple flew at us and nearly got me n benson, i hid beind stealthed :(

was a good cruise, thanks for taking me benson, but next time u stay over u need a separate bed, u kept rolling onto my side of the bed and drooling on my pillow

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got seperated from everyone at morley drive... was alone till the zigzag when some evos found me. to the guys and girls in the r33 if your on here i hope your alright

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yeh those knobheads with fireworks are probly gonna get in some shit,

a couple flew at us and nearly got me n benson, i hid beind stealthed ;)

was a good cruise, thanks for taking me benson, but next time u stay over u need a separate bed, u kept rolling onto my side of the bed and drooling on my pillow

LOL, Sorry dude it was just warmer on your side........... :(

Was a good Cruise Minus the firework bogans, only thing i didnt like was before picking up sam I got an Infringment for

"Not displaying P plates"................ Pretty sure they were up.... I guess they didnt like were they were sitting....sigh...Try and do things right by the police and they still end up sending me broke :P

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Wow what an interesting night, the fireworks got out of hand that got pretty ridiculous, espesh when they threw it in front of that kid wtf? And Rhys and I nearly got hit by one, missed Rhys's foot by a split second. Apparently heaps of cops hey? I didn't see many, unlucky :(

Good times though! Good to catch up with everyone!

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Great night ay,.....,., lol .. zig zags are kewl but not when u look behind you and you see a evo then look again and its half way up the hill on its roof... sweet god...... but they were ok

I left just before the truk stop ay.. suks

any ways thanx guys it was great. :blink:

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Good cruise till the same problem every cruise!!!!!!

Do not lead the way if you do not know the way or just dont know how to read the map!

No map and following a lead car that TURNS round and round not knowing what he is doing SUCKS!

Wasted 60 minutes plus, following a car that says he knows the road to the truck stop.

Was a very fun night till I broke off from the big group.

btw, the r32 in the ditch, i was two cars behind you and sorry for nothing stoping to help. Looks very very bad but hope everything OK with you and your car.

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Great night ay,.....,., lol .. zig zags are kewl but not when u look behind you and you see a evo then look again and its half way up the hill on its roof... sweet god...... but they were ok
btw, the r32 in the ditch, i was two cars behind you and sorry for nothing stoping to help. Looks very very bad but hope everything OK with you and your car.

and the sky that went into the back of the ford ute, and the ute that rolled....how many accidents were there last night?

Good cruise till the same problem every cruise!!!!!!

Do not lead the way if you do not know the way or just dont know how to read the map!

No map and following a lead car that TURNS round and round not knowing what he is doing SUCKS!

lol everyone went the wrong way, what about if you do have a map, follow the map not the dude in front? that's what we did, everyone went left and we went right at the round about, followed the map and had no problems at all

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^^ lol was that you,

what happened?

we flew past a cop and then the light went red and i though 'f**k that im not waiting at the lights for him to turn round so i ran the red, unfortunately the car waiting to turn at those lights was a cop car...

all in all the cop was a bloody good sport, just did me for the red, not speeding and he could have quite easily stickered me, so im not that pissed

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those series of hairpin turns up on the hill where there was no barrier for the hillside was pretty nerve wracking, especially going at 70-80kp/h :blink: but yeah there was a lot of people goin the wrong way lol, ended up having to turn around a few times due to following people not knowing where they were goin lol

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Damn i wish i had come on this cruise on Saturday night! Although on Sunday i went for a hills run through Chittering for a few hours where the Targa West rally is held....min speed 100km/h+

Is so much fun, i will def come to the next cruise!

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