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Cruise For The 30th May


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Haha i think i was "smoking" too much last night!

And how was my f?!k up as we got into the maritime museum hahaha, i turned left and was meant to go right then did a u-turn hahaha

the whole cruise followed my mistake bahaha

was a good night though :)

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+1 for great cruse' thanx nick mate.. lol at the cops posing for there pix at freo. But one thing "stupid driving gets u back" 5 people in the r33 that mounted the curb awww . is the car allrite. thanx again..

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Hey guys

Nice meeting some of you's last night

I think all in all was a pretty good cruise =]

Bit of a fail that nightcruisers had a cruise on at same place same time..

But sall good we had plenty of maps for everyone this time so that was handy

Hope everyone enjoyed it =]

Some people were to scared to park near the museum coz of the cops

*i love how everyone actually indicated and STOPPED at the stop sign lol*

They were actually mad cops! we got some photos with them and shit

Me and Sami_ have decided to take these cruises abit further so keep an eye out for our cruises

We may have another one before i go to europe if not well have one when i come back =]

Cheers for everyone that came down


- Olivia

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Hey guys, after driving from bunbury for my first cruize ever with SAU ... its was *@%#(%^($%T@$^(@$#*%_)$%*&@# great fun!...  ill most def be coming up for some more fun real soon.. 

cheers, jamie

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...oh, did anyone else see that zippy little civic? that was fun to watch.

My lil basher.... should be more fun once i get some coilis and cams in it.... will scream till 9k then...

Cruise was a bit short but fun...

Cheers guys!!!!

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Ok so yeah, hilarious that the cops pulled the commodore over! i saw the undercover car pull a WAY illegal turn to get him, but why the hell did they pull him over?

oh well, it was hilarious and got the cops off us!

that undercover cop was funny, was telling me that 'holdens NEVER do burn outs' we were just like...yeah...

I was in front going down west coast, and that cop changed into the right lane so i thought id let him sit there and block him a bit

then very late go left up hale, around the golf course and past floreat but he did an illegal turn and got the commie

no idea why, i didnt go fast up the hill and the commie was right behind me. They must have seen his rear tyres or ride height or something.

All in all a good cruize :bow:

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Dave, Passive = gf that was with me in my 34 :P next time I think we're bring both our cars haha

I was in front going down west coast, and that cop changed into the right lane so i thought id let him sit there and block him a bit

then very late go left up hale, around the golf course and past floreat but he did an illegal turn and got the commie

no idea why, i didnt go fast up the hill and the commie was right behind me. They must have seen his rear tyres or ride height or something.

All in all a good cruize :bow:

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SO embarrassed to admit this, but the 33 that spun out was a friend of mine on his first cruise.

I was at work, just finishing when he called to say he was leaving the cruise, since he was going to tell me where it was when I finished. Seriously, like f**k that car couldn't read maps, or apparently drive =D

I mean... Did anybody else think that Challenge Stadium was the last stop of the cruise at any point?

Also, cheers to Dan/Olivia/Tobin for all getting the membership pack to me =] working out how bank stuff works now.

Also Tobin I'll challenge you for a ride in that civic!

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I'm not happy with you Dan. Next cruise i want my stickers man, or else, or else, or else nothing! >.< lol

I'm so bored at work today...the cruise was fun lol

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woah how many members arent actually signed up to sauwa? coz they dont have the wa membership thing under their name

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