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Gt5 Is Ready


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Although the current generation of consoles is nearly there IMO. The tree right before you fight Hades in God of War 3 looks photorealistic. It could have been taken straight of a son of rajab of the Rings movie.

I think the current graphics are good enough, they should start developing new input interfaces, physics engines and AI in my opinion. ie things other than jsut graphics.

What do you guys think?

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i think you should shut up and make the god damn game yourself

no that sounds silly - i understand - but seriously you could probably amake it fast than polyphony digital.

i want food.

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i think you should shut up and make the god damn game yourself...

I'd love to but I guarantee that if I made it you'd get nothing but a blank screen when you put the disk into your PS3 :ninja:

So I think it's best for all of us if Polyphony Digital continue to make it :laugh:

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I was hanging out for this game for AGERS. now my PS3 has YLOD!!!! stupid piece of junk. its like a giant paperweight now... Anyone know of a place that can fix it for under 250$?? 250$ is what playstation charges isnt it?

Btw in WA

Edited by YZ250ftw
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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, so a few more updates.....

apparently 33% of people who are waiting to buy gt5 don't have a ps3 yet. i'd believe it to, since i am 1 of them.

some cars will have damage where they can lose bumpers, etc, while others will only get minor scratches.

release date is up to sony, not up to polyphony, but they are still saying it isn't finished, despite the fact that 4 days before the march release was postponed Yamauchi didn't hesitate when confirming that it would be released in march.

and finally, gt5 has been confirmed that it will have 3d support. which basically means that it will actually turn out to have graphics about as good as stunts did back in the 90's.

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meaning shit graphics. stunts was a racing game from back in the early 90's. possibly even late 80's.

basically i was implying that polyphony has dribbled so much shit over the past few years about this game and then keep letting us down that when it is finally released it will probably just be some pixelated garbage with 2 cars, 1 oval track and the cut scenes will be footage of cars doing skids in carparks lifted straight from youtube.

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meaning shit graphics. stunts was a racing game from back in the early 90's. possibly even late 80's.

basically i was implying that polyphony has dribbled so much shit over the past few years about this game and then keep letting us down that when it is finally released it will probably just be some pixelated garbage with 2 cars, 1 oval track and the cut scenes will be footage of cars doing skids in carparks lifted straight from youtube.

Stunts was the bomb! You could race cars, it had '3d' graphics and you could create your own tracks!!! I think that only a fwe SAU members would be old enough to remember this game, lol.

Here's hoping that GT5 comes out before Duke Nukem Forever does.

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i played stunts and agree it was teh coolness. you could put in a loop. i still remember some of the tracks i made. 1 was a big oval. had loops all down 1 straight and jumps all down the others. had them spaced out so that you would land perfectly on the down ramp then go straight up the next jump. i think there was about 3 jumps down each straight. and the corners were banked, and because of the way they did them, the start of the banking was like a jump as well so the banking had to start ages before the corner otherwise you would jump way past the corner because of the speed you were doing.

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cant wait for it to finally come out, better be worth the wait. have it feeling it will fail though.

i don't think it will fail. it will be better than all the previous versions. i personally think though it will fail in some peoples eyes because they will be of the view that they waited all that extra time and it wasn't massively better than the previous versions. so it will only fail because their expectations were too high. i'm just expecting it to be a bit better than previous versions, but not some "oh my god this is just like racing a car in real life!!!1!1!!ty" type of thing.

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i don't think it will fail. it will be better than all the previous versions. i personally think though it will fail in some peoples eyes because they will be of the view that they waited all that extra time and it wasn't massively better than the previous versions. so it will only fail because their expectations were too high. i'm just expecting it to be a bit better than previous versions, but not some "oh my god this is just like racing a car in real life!!!1!1!!ty" type of thing.

yeah this is true, i know mine are pretty high lol.

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lol at Stunts. That game is one of my all time favs. And there was nothing wrong with the graphics at the time.

By far the thing that made it the best was the track building feature.

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apparently 33% of people who are waiting to buy gt5 don't have a ps3 yet. i'd believe it too, since i am 1 of them.

i am also one of them. i bought a logitech wheel set-up and GT5 Prologue just to use on my old flatmates PS3. He moved out and took the console and his massive Sony Bravia flat-screen with him :'(. Still, i'd gone as far as i could with GT5-P. Waiting waiting...

and finally, gt5 has been confirmed that it will have 3d support. which basically means that it will actually turn out to have graphics about as good as stunts did back in the 90's. *cough* bullshit *cough*

i tried one of the Samsung TV's yesterday with a 3D blue-ray DVD, and i reckon it's gunna make the full version of GT something pretty damned special having a 3D mode, maybe even as close to real driving as possible without having one of those enclosed g-force simulator rigs. no reason to assume it won't be crystal clear (comparing it to a 20+ year old game used with red/blue glasses is a bit retarded).

not too keen on paying full price for a 3D TV when GT5 comes out, but with any luck there'll be some bargains to be had by then.

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i watched a 3d tv last week. didn't like it. they didn't have the room dark enough so it looked pretty crap. and since i don't have a theatre room to put a 3d tv in (or the money to even buy a 3d tv) then i will just stick with the 2d version.

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i watched a 3d tv last week. didn't like it. they didn't have the room dark enough so it looked pretty crap. and since i don't have a theatre room to put a 3d tv in (or the money to even buy a 3d tv) then i will just stick with the 2d version.

Do you need to put on them silly glasses to get a 3d experience?

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