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Penalties For Driving A Manual When Only Carrying An Auto Licence


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aha so that was you! "kthxbye" plate or something? Bayside blue ftw, nice car :P

Hoping to god I pass tomorrow, luckily my friend's dad is a driving instructor and fitted me in last min cause I had no other manual other than the GTR lol, not turning up in that haha.

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You would need to call the cops as they are the ones who issue traffic infringements for things like that. I work in Licensing with DPI and we don't issue traffic infringements so you will need to contact the boys in blue mate :)

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Not sure on what the penalties would be but not too long ago I was caught driving a friends car which was manual and I have a C-A License (since upgraded to C Class). The police officer told me I would receive a court summons and he said it would be a 50/50 chance I would lose my license. I have court in September so I will find out more then. I hope I do get off with just 2 demerits and a fine. Would be a big relief.

Not sure if the judge will go any easier on me for having obtained a manual license since then :-/ I will tell you though in September what the fine is aha :)

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I had a mate get caught driving on his L's and it was only like a 50 dollar fine or something. (Maybe 250?) It was super minor at any rate, I really doubt you'll lose your liscense over it.

Unless there is more to the story.

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Driving out of class? not sure what the penalty is but one of my mates got done for driving out of class when riding a big bike on his small bike license, didn't get kaned so I don't think it was that huge a fine/penalty.. or I could be completely wrong!

out of class laws have change for bikes its now 3 points and $150 OR $500 can't remember which one

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i heard from a friend the first time is a warning and the 2nd time is a fine then the 3rd time is a loss of licence but this is for nsw laws. now im not sure if this is with ur car registered in ur name or someone elses.

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I personally drove my 33 (manual) on an auto license since i was 19 (21 now). Pulled over once and go 2 point deduction. I asked the cop if i get caught again what would happen because i honestly didn't know the consequences and was weighing up the option weather to go and just get my manual. He was a very nice guy, he said its better if you go get ur license or if you can afford losing 2 point each time u get caught.

All this being said im guessing its just points deductions as he said nothing about loss of license but i could be wrong. I ended up just driving since i think im a very competent driver and don't speed. Have not been pulled over since.

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I personally drove my 33 (manual) on an auto license since i was 19 (21 now). Pulled over once and go 2 point deduction. I asked the cop if i get caught again what would happen because i honestly didn't know the consequences and was weighing up the option weather to go and just get my manual. He was a very nice guy, he said its better if you go get ur license or if you can afford losing 2 point each time u get caught.

All this being said im guessing its just points deductions as he said nothing about loss of license but i could be wrong. I ended up just driving since i think im a very competent driver and don't speed. Have not been pulled over since.

What about ur insurance?

Not only comprehensive but 3rd party both to vehicle and persons.....

not a smart idea mate.

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What about ur insurance?

Not only comprehensive but 3rd party both to vehicle and persons.....

not a smart idea mate.

I agree with you, looking back at it i would have gone about things differently. I decided to take the risk back then but it also left me feeling sick every time i drove out of the garage.

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My friend doesnt have an account on here and would like to know what happeneds if your pulled up in a manule car and you only have your auto licnece has anyone been pulled over for this?

he rang licneceing center but they didnt know anything

My mate had a car crased a month ago and his fault. He got auto license but his car was manual. Best thing he fined only 150 bucks and 3 demerits points.. But worst things, thats long weekend and double demerits and insurance doesnt pay.. Cost about almost 8grant for the other car damage..

Hope that helps.. Tell your mate go with the law

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I look down on people with only an auto licence if theyve had there licence for a year or more .

Maybee thats unfair but thats just the way i feel . If your going to drive a performance car or a manual then just go get your licence . I would never drive a car without having 3rd party property (or ride a bike for that matter) because theres too many expensive cars out there waiting to be hit (think of the medical on a family with neck injuries too).

When peoples grandkids say "pappaa why are we all crack addicts with sores all over our bodies?"

Pappaa says "well its like this greebo . 70 years ago i couldnt be bothered getting the right class licence and drove into a mercedes while swerving to miss a cat (there were still cats back then). I was only a minor crash but that $170 bill put me behind all my life"

My uncle , now hes no crack addict BUT he has been behind all his life , looking back which would you choose .

Im not trying to put anyone down here im just posting a view .

ps >im a hypocrite because i drift and hoon occasionaly on the street so i have no high ground here .

mmm cereal time .

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How hard is it to get your manual licence?

wtf is wrong with people?

If you don't have the effort or motivation to go do a simple test, and you know you're good to drive a manual car, you've got nothing going for you. Jump.

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It was pure convenience of being able to get my licence super fast with auto.

Also the lack of manual cars in my family meant i couldnt do the test.

Im going to book in a test close to when my licence expires

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Skyryan, its not the easiest thing passing a manual test these days cause of hoons, you get pinged for absolutely everything. Right at the start of my test, I pulled out onto the main road which is 3 lane (1 right only and far left is normal + left turn) and I chose the far left and the assessor commented on how I'm the only one to have done that for a long time, points lost if you didn't. There's so many ridiculous trivial things to get done for and its hard to concentrate cause as a beginner you have to worry about what gear your in etc.

Also, you have no idea how hard it is to resist going for a drive in the GTR when you have it sitting sadly in the garage on auto Ps.... (Thankfully I never did that :D )

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