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R33 Rb25det Into A R34 N/a

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too much problems after installation, boost issue etc, and it wont cost much more buying a neo rb25det and droping it in, but still thinking of r33 rb25det straight wiring job? any advice helps greatly thanks guys

ps: dont worry about rego =P

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Why not just sell the NA 34, and use that money and the money that you'd use to turbo your 34, to buy a proper R34 GTT?

At least then you'd have turbo running gears. R34's are pretty cheap now. Autos are 12-14k and manuals are 16-20k and thats coupes.

I thought about buying a R34 GT and turbo it aswell, because it seemed cheaper initially, but then I thought about all those problems that might occur after a while, and just thought it wasn't worth it. And ended up buying my R34 for 16.7k on the road.

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