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Private Track Day - Sep 2010 Video...

Bourbon Boy

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:blink: to the guys that came along that day...

Sorry it took so long but I've been so busy + I had software problems

(MS MovieMaker is not recommended for large movie jobs - it shits itself)

Anyways, Hope You All Enjoy...

(This is my first attempt in video editing so constructive critisim is Welcome... Just don't burn me)



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LOVE the intro sequence (time lapse), don't like the comic sans :rofl:

Thanks mate. That was actually the entire trip... Time lapse set for 1 shot per 10 seconds.

I actually did a time lapse on the way home too but eh... same same except you can see the day light fade into night.

Font too soft for the theme? Or hard to read?

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You should come to our wakie days - we have a few planned for next year :P

get someone in the car, plenty of places to go quicker!

good overal vid - I liked it!

Thanks mate...

Yeah I know I can go faster.

Just need the right advice + I didnt trust my tyres.

I saw the schedule for 2011. I'll be down for at least 1 for sure!

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