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Fast and the Furious...... IN PERTH!!


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I cant believe everyone here is so against stickers! yeah i agree maybe the fast and furious thing has been overdone a bit now as Judged said but really is it so bad to have a car that looks nice! it may look rice or wateva but i think if you like it then do it! I just dont understand wats so bad about stickers unless your falsely advertising products you dont have!:P

my 2cents

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Originally posted by caminperth

Gradenko - just because people like something that you don't means they should be turned away? We could end up with quite a small group with that sort of attitude..

Do I really have to answer this? :P Most ppl already know my opinion on this and theres not much point starting another big bun fight.

For the record: If we lose a thousand to gain fifty like us, then its worth it. (All IMHO. I have no real say in the matter, its just my opinion).

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I personally like the stickers.. if the car warrants it. I see various cars with a shopping list down the side without the mods its anoying..

I have 3. Street Force(did my tuning), Genie(did my exhaust), Enjo(i work for them).

no more no less.. if i could be assed and get JUN to do my custom cam i'd have a JUN sticker too :P

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Hey Judge dont worrie about it just line em all up and show them what rice can do then we will see who is laughing

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I'm a little confused.

Stickers = rice

according to some people here.

Does that make the touring cars and rally cars rice ?

I think not.

Stickers on something that has the balls to back it up is OK , imho.

Stickers for stickers sake ie. Garrett on a N/A lancer or something similar = rice.

I don't mind the odd tastefully done sticker but having the whole car emblazoned , especially for a daily driver is probably a little over the top.

But hell as someone said , whatever floats your boat.

I'm sure when some bright person came up with candyapple paint in the 50's , they thought he was a tosser as well....



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Sounds like it has gotten out of hand. The main reason for me was there are a lot of liners out there now and i wanted to stand out in the crowd. I wanted to be different so I placed some decals on the car, the theme was F&F. The car was also a show car and the look made people come and view my car a lot closer than they normally would. Reading what people have to say here has reminded me why I did the decals. I love people looking at my car, turning their heads around for another look as I went by, people would come up and say g'day and say it looked great, than made me happy and put a smile on their faces. If it puts a different smile on other peoples face, I have achieved my outcome of making them smile.


Thanks mate, I hope I can keep up with you now,(SEE YOU IN THE 12sec ZONE) :P


Thanks dude, but time for a change before PAS (stay tuned)


Thanks for your support


I respect your right for you have your own opinion, freedom of speech rox.


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Good to see a gtst in 12's. I wasn't aware what 60ft did ya get?

I think the sticker thing is always about 'free advertising'. Race cars get money for it.

Even in the V8 world we have our own version of 'rice'.

4cylinder escorts with twin 2 1/2 inch exhaust pipes

as above with non functional hornet scoops.

NOS stickers (hello police)

and the list goes on.

As I said before I don't get anoyed I just laugh, me and my mates used to sticker up peices of puss we owned as a joke.

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I jusyt have to tell yo guys something!

Last weekend whilst going down to Fremantle... a full pack of P plate Trevs... and I am talking the trev of trevs.....these guys were so trev that there babies come pre-born with mullets! where in a VB commodore.....

As they pull up next to me all i here is... "RICE" now i certainly don't consider my car to be rice... the only sticker i have is a VERY small RB sticker about 8cm's long... thats it nothing else... and i have eaten a few V8's which should lessen the rice factor aswell..... anyway there they were in all their Trevness screaming "RICE" i just ignored them in there VB $200 commo and as i drove off what do i see on it... those Blue Neon washer lights that go on where your water sprayers are to wash the windscreen! hahahah!! i couldn't beleive it! there they where saying "RICE" then they have blue neon light washers... the most riceyness thing on the marlow market!!..


Hmm maybe they were talking about their car and not mine!:uh-huh:

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Trevs refer to any japaneses cars as rice.

i admit it i drive a commonwhore :P

its sad but true....its my first car so i don't give a **** i like what i have for the time being and it gets me where i need to go.

just can't wait for the day i drive away in my R32 GTR.....

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Yeh my corrolla could do under 10 seconds if i put stickers all over it. Got some dumbass actors to put in it, film it in a creative light and then say "it does under 10 secs bro, it fully sic"

I havent seen fast and the furious yet but i feel safe in saying that it has no technical grounding at all.

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Look at the parts used in the movie and you will see :spank: Crazy sized NOS bottles though, i mean, of course they arent 10 second cars, maybe 12 though, but they still go hard... i dont promote RICE, dont get me wrong here :D

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Alright this is going nowhere but to more nazi style abuse.

Ill break it down for uz

Stickers are rice, paint is rice and non structural metal is rice (including doors)

Closed for obvious reasons :)

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