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Adam's R33 Skyrine

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I'm not too sure at this stage. As it'll idle normally for a few seconds then start hunting (hovering around 1-2000rpm). I was watching it and it seemed to start building pressure. Then a minute or so later it would start loosing pressure.

If the oil pressure is still a prick, I'll be having another look at the pickup. If that doesn't fix it then I give up!

Stupid cars!

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Going back a little here, just been hard pressed for time to update the blog.


With Wakefield Matsuri two weeks away, we were in quite a rush to get the Skyline running properly. The plan of attack was to swap out the oil pump and hope that fixes the oil pressure problem.

With help from Anthony (who drives a sick 180SX) and John we managed to swap one out within a Saturday.


After bolting it back together, I flicked the key and the RB25 cranked to life. Unfortunately it was still running low oil pressure, so we were back at square one.

A few days later I went over the R33 again and noticed the oil was a milkshake colour. So this happened.


Nick, Paulie and I managed to get the engine back together on Friday night, the night we planned to leave for Matsuri. Crank it over and there’s just too many issues worth fixing. It was late and I pulled the pin. We ended up getting to our hotel in Goulburn around 2am that night.

Anyway, after replacing the headgasket and oil pump it is still running low oil pressure. Next step would be the bearings but I’m over fault finding.

The plan of attack now is a new engine, more on that later.

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Every time I’m on the net, I’m always chatting to my man Benny. What Benny likes to do when he’s surfing the interwebs is look for wheels. He is probably the biggest wheel whore I know. I think he has like 3 sets and 4 pairs now or something.

Anyway, when we chat I always ask him to find me wheels for shits and giggles. He always manages to find dope wheels that tempt both of us to make the purchase. So last week we were doing our thing and he found a set of Super Star – Leon Hardiritt Waffe wheels on Yahoo, Ben sent me the link then saying “You’re going to hate me”.


I open the link, see some dope Super Star wheels in offsets that’ll work on both the Stagea and Skyline (with widebody). As for the price, let’s just say landed, you’d be hard pressed to buy a set of Rotas. Probably something unheard of with Super Star wheels to go so cheap. In saying that, they do need a bit of cleaning up/have some gutter rash.

Actually I did see a set of Leon Hardiritt Ordens (The best wheels ever!) in S chassis offsets go for a little more then these did. Mind you they tempted me so so bad and I probably would of gone with them if I wasn’t to go widebody on the R33.


The waffe wheels will probably be the Stagea’s new shoes for a while until I get my widebody rear guards on the R33. With that in mind, I went on a hunt for some coilovers. I then stumbled across these suckers.


Here’s hoping they get the Stagea nice and low to the pavement with minimal fuss. Now the wait begins!

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Now I’ve made the decision of starting fresh, I was stuck on whether to run the same turbo setup or not. I’ve never owned a car with gate, and as we all know, bitches love gate.

I advertised my current tubro on SAU at a price I’d be happy with and a deposit was put down the day after. Nice! looks like I’m changing setups after all.

The old setup was a Garret GT3071R, standard manifold, split dump pipe and a 4 inch intake.


The new setup is the following:

Garret GT3076R

.82 rear housing

Tial wastegate

V band dump pipe

High mount manifold

The manifold of choice is actually off Ebay, yeah we’ve all heard horror stories of cheap shit manifolds from EBay cracking, like Yuan’s manifold on his 180SX. But this doesn’t look like a bad bit of gear. Being mild steel I guess it’ll be easier to fix too.

The JPP R33 skyline has been running the same manifold for a couple of months now with no issues at all (pumping out over 450hp with it too).


I know it’s only been a few weeks, but I can’t wait to drive this car again!

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With the engine setup out of the way. It was time to source a clutch that will handle the abuse I’ll undoubtedly give it for many years to come.

My first prefference was an ORC twin plate item. I had one of the Ogura clutches in the MX-5 and I loved it. I beated on it like no tomorrow and it never batted an eyelid (not that it has eyelids, but you know).


Unfortunately I couldn’t find any used ORC clutches anywhere, and I didn’t really want to fork out $1500+ for one. So I kept looking for a suitable candidate. A little bit of searching on Yahoo found me this Nismo tilton twin plate which was used for a mere 5000km.

While I was at it, I also ordered a KTS clutch pivot ball to replace the standard item. Can never be too safe!

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Part of the new turbo setup arrived today. Here’s the mighty Garret GT3076R struttin’ it’s stuff.

While were at it, here’s the Tial waste-gate too. All I’m waiting on now is the manifold from New Zealand which should be here in a few days.


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I received an SMS from Benny today about a wing that was on SAU. So I checked it out and after looking at the original photos I PM’d the seller.

A few hours later I was at his doorstep picking up this cool looking rear spoiler and a few other pieces (more on that later). I asked the original owner if he had any photos of it installed, but I had no luck. So I’ve got no idea what this wing is, or what it looked like on a car.

A did a quick mock-up on my 33 tonight and it looks pretty cool. If I get a chance this weekend I’ll bolt it onto the boot lid.

Best of all, I bought it for $30! Winging!


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Yeah I kinda like the wing, nice how it also blends the low std boot line in now as well... paint it, fit it, done...

Ive always found postage and commission killed the japan auction parts hunt...

where do you do jap auction shopping???

maybe gets some reinforcement mounts welded onto that manifold before install, help it go the distance...

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The wing looks nice.If your car was stock bodykit wise,I'd say this was too big.But I reckon the wing completes the look of the rear end compared to the rest of the car as it matches the larger side skirts and vented front fenders.

Keeping the carbon wing? XD

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Yeah I kinda like the wing, nice how it also blends the low std boot line in now as well... paint it, fit it, done...

Ive always found postage and commission killed the japan auction parts hunt...

where do you do jap auction shopping???

maybe gets some reinforcement mounts welded onto that manifold before install, help it go the distance...

Yeah I'm still not 100% on it yet, some angles it looks pretty cool, some and it looks horrid.

I use import monster to search for goodies and then contact Jesse Streeter with the orignal yahoo link.

I've snapped up a few bargins lately, I guess it depends what your after though.

The wing looks nice.If your car was stock bodykit wise,I'd say this was too big.But I reckon the wing completes the look of the rear end compared to the rest of the car as it matches the larger side skirts and vented front fenders.

Keeping the carbon wing? XD

It wasn't my first prefferance, I origianlly wanted a S2 wing but for $30 whos going to pass it up?! haha.

I'm actually going a URAS bodykit (picking it up tomorrow) so I guess that'll make it easier to decide when I mock it up.

Not to sure yet, got a few mates bugging me for it, so I might make them fight for it haha. Were you still interested in it?

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Shortly after picking the new unknown spoiler up. I got on the net and started hunting for what it may be. I finally came across a similar looking wing on a UK website. It was an old advertisement for the wing.

The add stated it was a Trust rear spoiler from their Gracer range, which was discontinued many years ago. Cool, so I went with that and googled “Trust rear spoilers R33″. I got a few matches confirming that I did score a Trust wing, nice!


For those that are on my Face book may have seen some uploads of the wing earlier today. Well when I finished work I rushed inside and grabbed the JDL roof wing and slapped it on the car. I think they complement each other quite well and has swung me to rocking this big, bulky Trust wing.

Tomorrow I am picking up a new body kit for the car, I’ll get the rear bumper on over the weekend and hopefully that’ll make my decision set in stone.

I am feelin’ it at the moment.


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There are so many body kit choices for the R33 skyline, it’s hard to pick just one to rock. During my searches I came across some URAS style kits advertised on EBay for only $500!

I’m sure we’ve all heard stories about cheap sketchy kits and how much of a prick they were to fit, because they didn’t actually “fit”. But these very photos you see are with this cheap knock off body kit has been literally slapped on the car. Paulie and I just picked up the bumpers and skirts, put them on, stood back and took photos.


Paulie and I were stunned how well everything fitted, more-so how easily everything went on. I’ll do some light trimming on the side skirts and I’d be happy to get it all painted up. The look is slowly starting to come along. I still need to order my rear guards and Gannador mirrors.


I’m glad I went with the URAS style body kit, it has really grown on me as of late.

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I like the look man the wing suits the URAS kit its one of those kits though where youve gota have it slammed to pull it off as with your pic its almost on the ground and looks good just means gota watch out for the ripple strips lol but good work.

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I like the look man the wing suits the URAS kit its one of those kits though where youve gota have it slammed to pull it off as with your pic its almost on the ground and looks good just means gota watch out for the ripple strips lol but good work.

Cheers man!

Yeah the kit wouldn't work if you had your car at legal height, that's for sure. I'll go a little lower once it's all fitted up and shit I think. Come at me ripple strips! haha.

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