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R33 Gtst Cross Over Pipe


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Hey all, changed over spark plugs today and when it came time to put all the pipes and whatnot back on, i split the shitty old pipe next to the oil fil point (the c shaped pipe)

it was rock solid and brittle as hell when i put it back on, so i ended up running down to a enzed mobile rep's place and just got a generic hydraulic piece of hose - of similar diameter to fill in the gap.

is that all good? or does it need to be something more specific?

also, because the new pipe doesnt have the 2 90 degree bends in it, it sits out a bit more than that original (resting against the oil cap) will this be a problem? (ie. rubbing & eventually wearing through)?



Edited by BstewyR33
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hey man it shouldn't be a problem! but if your like me and really picky you'll want a genuine nissan one. I got one just recently for around $40 and couldn't believe how soft it was compared to the old hose.

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Nat there press fit but not hard to get out and knock back in. i just did mine on Wednesday when i put my new cam covers on. just got a big screw driver, stuck it in the end and turned them to loosen them so you could probably just do that to turn them and maybe give them a tap down when there in the right spot

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