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Custom CAI, Legal?


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There was recently a group buy for CAI's, i think there still a few left, anyway are they Legal? i get done by the EPA atleast twice a year for the last 4 years now and at the stage where i cop a on the spot $500 fine, and not really looking for anymore, so anyone have a definite answer?

last time the said either loose the front mount or poddy, cant have both.

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have you considered the stock air box and a highflow panel filter?

should flow just as much as air as the pod filter, however you'll probably loose the stucking induction noise. the airbox is probably better vs pod in the engine bay anyway and cops can still see the pod in the cai box. the reason the pod is bad mmmkay is cos they are oiled. i think dry ones arent illegal?

anyone clarify?

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The laws differ from state to state.

eg in qld your allowed to use a pod filter, in nsw it's illegal to use one.

the reason the pod is bad mmmkay is cos they are oiled. i think dry ones arent illegal?

I'm using a K&N panel filter which is oiled and is legal.

It passed the engineers report and several checks by cops.

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the problem with the pod in the engine bay is the fact that it is a fire hazard.

The oiled cotton part of the filter 'could' be subject to fire since its not shielded from the engine bay in any way.

As long as this fire hazard is removed, then there shouldn't be a problem.

Look at the new FPV GT, it has a pod filter inside a housing, and its built by a manufacturor!


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i also have the fibreglass cai box from UAS and never had problems with that. plus better than just having the pod in the engine bay suckin all the hot air so i picked up few kw too


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i know that the factory box with a KN filter is better then a slapped on poddy, but thought since with CAI it is sheilded from heat, and might match the factory box and sound better as well.

Biggest concern is wether its legal, i know in vic we can have a poddy if its not oil based, but we cant have a cooler at the same time.

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Why cant u have a cooler at the same time thats bullshit... in qld the only way u can get into shit for ur pod is if it's not secured to anythang... its illegal if its just hangin there.

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yup.. well one of the reasons i moved outta melb.. too much bullshit on the roads now.

When i got done for a full EPA test in VIC that is what the inspector said to me - one of intercooler or pod, so the choice is at least there. I'd say with VIC being what it is, they won't care its in a box as its still a pod and they want their revenue.

Whereas some other states have laws about it being ok if shielded, ok if its engineered, or the like.

And QLD well.. lol

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in qld the only way u can get into shit for ur pod is if it's not secured to anythang...

Qld is one of the "easy" states when it comes to pod filters and emission laws and not to mention so called mod plates.

That's why my car is still engineered and registered in nsw even though I live in qld.

Vic used to be easy but in recent years has got it's act together where it's laws are almost identical to NSW where pod filters need engineers reports as they increase emissions.

Not many RTa approved engineers will approve pod filters today as they know they will be scrutinized by the EPA.

Sounds pretty stupid tho as there are many ways to increase emissions.

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