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January 2012


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Here are some photos i took during my NYE holiday.

It's a place i think i've posted up photos from before but i don't get to go too many cool places.

This shows the affect of a big wave coming through - you can see my 6'4 fiance and our mate who is just under 6 ft. Both got wiped out. The waves weren't HUGE but got to around 2-3 meters.





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your car is surrounded by balls mattboy. good thing they are not touching :P sweet shot

I'm hoping for some rad fireworks shots in this month...

that 2nd one is awesome farris!

indeed, love that second one too.

heres an edit i did last night to try and fix some of the graff i shot. i wont go into detail, but it took a bit of work just to get a straight pano out of photoshop. the automated photomerge isnt perfect and sometimes needs you to do some legwork before it will work.


(you can see both versions in larger size on my website http://photos.jay019.com/urbanart/joinups/)

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Happy New Years everyone. Just got back from my holidays.. time to get back into work :(

Swimming with sharks!!!! Atleast these sharks weren't interested in humans, but still pretty scary.


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yo sidd, those shark pics have me paranoid. sharks have been spotted at my local beach the last couple of days. and not the friendly kind. :/

ive tried lighting this piece once before and failed at it. i was doing it by myself and it wasnt working so i just gave up on it. my cousin has been coming around and lending me her DSLR, time in assisting and a shitload of motivation. i gave this another try.



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cheers guys! its been good getting a bit of motivation and a helping hand (plus the DSLR makes life a fair bit easier too)

Passive, the basic technique is to point the light at the wall and trace the parts of the piece you want to paint while trying to stop any stray light messing things up. its something im still learning and it can be pretty addictive. timing is the most important part to learn. too fast and you wont get nice colors, too slow and the colors get burnt out. keeping the lines straight is also a challenge as it gets hard to see when your looking at a bright spot on the wall where the lines go, lol.

this was done on the same night and as you can see that i didnt get such a smooth fill. ah well, cant win them all.


oh and the battery ran out before i had the chance to put a bit more ambient light on the floor of the drain, so i just cut it out lol.

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Jay that still looks amazing! Incredible work.

Here are a few snaps I took while on holiday and showing the in-laws around.

(On the Pano's - big tip for anyone starting to stich images together is to ensure everything on the camera is in full manual mode. That way the settings don't adjust when you stich the frames together making them look different. Taken me a while to get confident enough on that.)







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Jay would be awesome to see before and after pics of what you have done. Still trying to get my head around what you are actually doing.

Are you painting the art with different colour lights or just a normal light painting going over the whole image with just one light?

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Jay would be awesome to see before and after pics of what you have done. Still trying to get my head around what you are actually doing.

Are you painting the art with different colour lights or just a normal light painting going over the whole image with just one light?

i tried recording a video of me in action but it was too dark and doesnt look like anything. pretty much match color for color and then use white to get back any colors that you dont have and to add some ambient light into the scene. that last part ive only just started doing.

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