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Why not do all the leg work in the Club Execs to draft any submissions you want to make through gov't bodies and NRMA etc and ask the older gentry here on SAU to sit beside the Execs during any representation talks?

There are several Members here in their 60s who know and believe that all modern cars should be able to corner and brake like ours do.

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I'm keen to see this happen as well.

Have you guys thought of getting places such as willowbank drag strip, queensland raceway, archerfield go cart track, harry's dinner, munchies, and other place that meets and events are held at all on board???

I'm sure these places would be willing to support as not only would willowbank, qr, etc tracks struggle to stay open they would have lost alot of support in terms of the major events as there wouldn't be as many enthusiasts interested in the sport meaning numbers would be down there as well. Inevitable these places would close.

Same goes for Harry's dinner and munchies. With out the buisness these places would receive it would compromise thier cash flow serverly.

Another thought I had could be to say have gold coin donations for meets and cruises more often and donate the funds to charities. This would change the image I feel as the general public would see enthusiasts as actually doing good rather than just a bunch of kids doing skids and hooning around loitering in carparks, etc.

Also you could have a track day, in which you could invite some RTA certified inspectors along. Not the RTA themselves so to speak just the people who actually mod plate the cars. Let them charge say $40 a car to do a quick inspection and point out what is no compliant, what is perfectly acceptable and discuss with the owner what needs to be done to make the car legal.

I can't see why they wouldn't want to do it as they would still be making money on the day for only labour really and it gives them an opportunity to make future cash through mod plating and rectifying the defects. This would also help with making the cars on the skylines aus forum/club legal and more acceptable in the eyes of the public. I can't see people been bothered with going out of their way to find out the info or organising to book the car in and drop it off/pick it up, etc to find out whats illegal and whats not unfortunately.

And from all the enthusiasts on here and everywhere else :thanks: At least someone is willing to give it ago to try and make things better rather than just winge about been done by the cops, etc.


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Another thought is to get other car clubs involved and to get them to do the same sort of thing in regards to their meets, etc.

Also maybe to try and help the tracks, etc lower the costs we could organise "working bee" days where people show up and help maintain the place rather than having to get people in and pay them to do it. As a reward, you could give the people involved free entry to one of the test and tunes events or something if it was say willowbank.

Also if your going to do this you need to make it state wide and get everyone on board so you have the most effect.

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Good thinking! ^ top ideas we need to keep thinking outside the square like this, and like you said it needs to be the modified car community as a whole, not just our rice burners, or knuckle dragger v8 carbie crew. But everyone, low riders, mini trucks, jap, muscle. All forums + clubs in the community have to do this as one.....

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32VspecGTR and Terry, really awesome ideas guys. I really don't know what the hell I could do, I don't even own an import. I want to in the future though, and I think changing our image will be for our benefit and the publics benefit also. I'm glad this thread is SLOWLY moving in some direction, lol.

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No dramas. :thumbsup:

If you need a hand, let me know. Will always be happy to get involved and try and improve things for all sides, including public, police and the car owners themselves.

Have you set up a facebook page by anychance? Would be a good start I think. Have some video clips and photos, etc showing what the community is really about. Some good vids would be of something like the JDMST meets where they had the cruise and track day held in one. This would show that both yes we do like to meet up and cruise but we also like to use the cars on the track rather than the streets. :cheers:

Also try talking to nissan silvia, etc for other forums.

Another idea you had is you could do a huge combined meet somewhere out of the publics way including all the honda, silvia, skylines, fords, holdens, etc and get a magazine such as HPI to shoot it. This would give you awesome coverage. Would have to get some of the well know members on board. Try talking to Tess from Mercury Motorsport as she does articles for them. Biggest thing with this is make it noted that the police would be notified and in presence on the day for people behaving irrisponsibly. :spank:

This would further differentiate from the hoon versus car lover debate.

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Kawasakirider, this is a great initiative.

Thing is, it's not just the import/performance scene that is being targetted for the way they look, or mods. The 4WDing scene is also suffering from a similar stigma.

There are similar (and just as stringent) laws and policing being touted and put in place in the 4WD industry. Stupid stuff like the fight to ban bull bars and lift kits - which could put Aussie companies such as ARB out of business. Like us performance car fans, there are a small number of idiots that spoil it for the majority of 4WDers.

You could also encompass the engergy and dissatisfaction of the 4WD industry & enthusiasts. As an example, consider support such as the initiatives put in place by 4WD Action magazine, reaching out to their subscribers and readers, signing petitions and encouraging everyone to approach their local ministers. Media coverage with enthusiast magazines should be interesed in this. After all the magazines exist because of the car scene and like-minded readers!

Prior to getting serious, it would help pull together some stats supporting our cause (something to refer to should push come to shove). Ensure any people fronting the media and the team are really sensible individuals. Possibly a sensible tag-line could be created which can be marketed?

Personally, one of the main reasons I sold my GTR is the 'road racism' that goes on and is encouraged for Police to enforce. Racism is unacceptable - why are cars (with us drivers in them) that look a certain way treated the same? I know many 'normal' unsafe (should be taken off the road) vehicles that would breeze past a police check. There is a clear imbalance to the rights of the motorist.

Is this a parallel approach that could be considered?

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JZP, I am aware that the fourbies suffer, too! My mates drive them. The more the merrier, it makes our cause stronger for sure.

R32, just gunna call you Matt from now on. Thanks for all your ideas mate, they're awesome. Really good idea.

I can't type much at the moment, I haven't slept since the day before yesterday (mrs was in the hospital all last night) and I'm pretty foggy.

Please continue, this was really just an idea that I thought was a good one, but had doubts it would take off. If enough people get behind it and support the cause like you guys, then we may be able to have a real crack at this!

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lurking in this thread and loving where its headed, keep the spirit strong guys!

has anyone from HPI/autosalon etc been contacted re some kind of campaign? i multi club meet would be awesome, maybe around the same time this club time attack shoot out is happening?

oh and a tag-line is a great idea! whoever comes up with the best one wins internet and community fame forever.


bumper sticker style? "you can pry the keys to my skyline from my cold dead hands"

"cruising is not a crime":

"Defect free since 03'"

not great ones but just kicking things off

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Street driven with Grace; Track built to race.

I think the initial step would be a facebook group. The next step would be to get names into the situation. I am sure some of the boys who support SAU(top secret imports pops to mind first) would be in on this. Somehow get some publicity at SAU planned cruises, get some publicity at the SAU track events.

Then again when you think about it. The RTA just spent how much money to tighten up, phase out, and bring in new laws on modifying cars.

I'm abit confused as to what we are asking here. Are we asking to let mods pass easier? Are we asking for changes to exhaust noise levels? Pollution levels?

Edited by SargeRX8
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I'd be curious to fun out how much attention the classic scene gets from the police. Most classics I see tend to be in better shape than the average late 80's/90's sports car.

We get attention not because of the cars we drive but because so many examples of the cars we love and drive are modified illegally or dangerously. It's a percentages game for the police, pull over ten Astra's and who knows how many could be pinged for defects. Pull over ten 33 GTS-T's? Chances are damn good that there is plenty that could be written up.

I'd suggest that a good first step would be putting together a clear, simple to understand guide to common modifications and their legality. The new nationalized design rules that are coming in make it possible to have one copy for all of us. If this can be spread as far and as wide as possible we could at least start by fighting the defects that are getting people pinged due to ignorance.

Not sure there is much that can be done to prevent people knowingly breaking the law however...

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Street driven with Grace; Track built to race.

I think the initial step would be a facebook group. The next step would be to get names into the situation. I am sure some of the boys who support SAU(top secret imports pops to mind first) would be in on this. Somehow get some publicity at SAU planned cruises, get some publicity at the SAU track events.

Then again when you think about it. The RTA just spent how much money to tighten up, phase out, and bring in new laws on modifying cars.

I'm abit confused as to what we are asking here. Are we asking to let mods pass easier? Are we asking for changes to exhaust noise levels? Pollution levels?

name of facebook group? who is going to kick start the proceedings? sounds good to me but as mentioned some clear goals would be useful.

we could just go over the top on the civil rights/equality for imports angle. A clear one size fits all guide as to what mods are legal like boz suggests alongside a campaign for EQUAL RIGHTS on the road.

oh and btw

'street driven with grace et al, can someone put that on a sticker for me? WANT!

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Wicked ideas fellas I rekon first step is each all the clubs/forums, fords hondas Mazda toyotas nissans etc get together and have a meet somewhere out of the way as mentioned and discuss clear goals, Facebook page, campaign details and assign jobs to people from each forum/club so were all on the same page/get some cohesive efforts going on...if the left hand doesn't know wat the right hand is doing it could all go south pretty quick.... I'm happy to contact some people from forums/ clubs that I know in nsw do maybe 2/3 from each club could meet up? I only know ozvr4 guys and rexnet people at this point...anyone know people from street commodores/ ford forums/ pulsargroup etc?

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Do it the right way and get the car engineered ? LOAD OF SHIT , RTA has changed engineering laws and has made it practically IMPOSSIBLE TO ENGINEER A CAR.


Such as a brake test on a private track etc , yes that means if you car has a certain KW and you can't break in time at 100km+ you don't pass.

P.S you need to pay for the engineer to take your car to a private track

Engineer's time + private track hire = more $$ and it it fails PAY AGAIN.

Edited by Longz
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Hmm me no likey the sound of these new rules.

What are we all going to do? just give up and hope we dont get reamed when pulled over/buy something new and expensive like an M3/FT-86/370Z/F6 Typhoon/Clubbie and cry ourselves to sleep coz no more Skyrine? gotta be a third alternative..

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