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Red Light Camera Got Me I Think :(


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You're apparent advice has to be taken with a grain of salt to be frank. How is it that you have a chip on your shoulder, you weren't involved in my situation nor do you have any vested interest in it. You do seem though to like to post and have a go at people. And then decide they are just trolling and sit back and have a go at them some more. If you can get that worked up over someone who posts details about a situation they have gone through, when it wasn't in any way related to yourself, I'd hate to be around when something happens that is related.

So you had a go at me because I saw an orange light, did not know how long it was orange for, and thus tried to brake, but couldn't' stop before the line, and then went over the line 1 second after it turned red. Then admit you ran a red light yourself and didn't even know you had run a red light until you got a ticket. Keep your advice, it sounds like you need it more than I do.

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I can read, extremely well, can you? Just sayn, we ain't 5 year olds.

You obviously missed my point completely, so now i will shut up and watch this uneeded crap on the forums.

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You've run a red in an area that you claim to be notorious for traffic cams.

1. You ran a red

2. You were aware that the cam was there hence how you knew that it was notorious

3. You keep reiterating the same point seeking a different result.

If you haven't had any fines in all these years, 1 red light slip up isn't going to affect you.

Still failing to see what your point in all this is.

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Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over expecting a different result - Einstein

You ran a red and got a fine, stop QQing like a girl and take it like a man - Me

Col Please close this thread before some of the pro trolls decide it's open season.

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