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Repercussions Of Disabling Fwd On R32 Gtr?

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Hey guys, I don't own a R32 but I wouldn't mind getting one, one thing which has always attracted me to them is the "looms" i saw for sale a while ago that allowed people to disable the fwd, I like 4wd traction but sometimes you just want to go on the skidpan you know? So I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with this? From what my research has dug up there is some major concerns about pressure build in the transfer case but no real reported problems. They say dropping the front shaft would a good idea as it's pretty easy but apparently there is another problem of "steering lock"? Not entirely to sure what that is but I just wanted to see what other people experiences are?

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With R32s it is completely safe to pull the 4WD fuse (or those "looms" that do the exact same thing but are more convenient). It's just with R33s and R34s it isn't safe to do this, must either drop the front shaft or do the procedure from the service manual to release pressure as there is preload on R33 and R34 GTRs (R32s don't have preload)

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Thanks Moodles, do you know anything about this "steering lock" bit though? A lot of people say the steering is shit in 2wd, and recommend swapping the 32 gtst steering rack and from suspension components if you're going to keep it this way. I wont do this but is the steering really that different? What do they mean by lock?

EDIT: This is where I found them talking about "lock" http://www.driftworks.com/forum/technical/131819-r32-gtr-4wd-2wd.html

Edited by JamesK
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In general the lock on any 4wd are going to be weak compared to the 2wd. If its not a drift car and as you said just for fun with some circle work at skid pans you dont need to worry about swapping racks and what ever to get abit more lock its only if you were actually going to try drift with it, the real lack of lock would make it hard.

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Hmmm...I was thinking maybe having it as a good "best of both worlds car" fun on the track but also could drift if I felt like going that route...but I guess R32 GTR as a drift car is a big no no? I would assume the lag of the TT wouldn't help either?

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GTR is an awful drift car choice, ATTESSA adds abunch of weight at the front (diffs, transfer case etc) causing them to understeer. The point of twin turbos is response not power.

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