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Couple Of Errors Guys.

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hey guys, im getting flood control on a desktop.

also when i post and actually hit the post button it does nothing. i have to refresh the page to see it. this has caused a couple of double posts.

also it has unfollowed me from whoretown, and wont let me follow again.

ill get into the mobile (iphail) issues after if you need them.

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i have signed out of mobile (safari) and desktop (firefox) and resigned in. was thinking it had got confused and thought i was logged in mobile. hence the flood control.

no joy. still doing it.

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REALLY! never had flood control before ever. unless on mobile.

dont think its the browser as its across 2 different desktops, an iphone and an ipad. but ill have a look!

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Try now and see.

If not list browser, add-ons etc. It's working fine for me in FF and Chrome so yea... Usually a local issue

But yes, flood control should be removed for anyone with a member tag. (you've had yours removed recently Plattsy, so that explains that).

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

After the new maintenance, Spy has stopped, all threads appear as unread, and on my mobile (android) it's permanently in mobile version (which I hate).

can't change it by resetting defaults or clicking on the full version option. :/

on the up side. Gallery works. :yes:

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The search function doesn't seems to be working 100% either, its returning lot less results.

Hmmm, will check that out.

After the new maintenance, Spy has stopped, all threads appear as unread, and on my mobile (android) it's permanently in mobile version (which I hate).

can't change it by resetting defaults or clicking on the full version option. :/

on the up side. Gallery works. :yes:

Spy should be ok now - I had to enable the forums as a 'data source' - it was just watching the Garage before.

I tried to add a second Mobile skin which failed, I'm wondering if maybe this broke something, so I have removed the failed one. Ash was saying that mobile was working well.

I have exactly the same problem, but using IPhone. Can't edit any posts using mobile version. Pls help.

Try again? Might need to log out and back in.

The ads are comming up terrible aswell sometimes, either they are appearing over text and wont go away or they are taking up quater of a page. Using IE

Can you show me some screen shots? I'm on a Mac so really difficult to test all the browsers. :(

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Logged out and signed back in. Can edit now.

Being trying to click on full version and nothing happens. I highly doubt I'm the only one experiencing this.

Edited by Ants
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