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Deca Accommodation - Fri 30 & Sat 31 August


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Where: Courtyard Motor Inn
Address: 58 - 60 Wyndham St, Shepparton VIC 3630
When: Fri 30 & Sat 31 August 2013

I've reserved the entire hotel.

You need to let me know ASAP which room you would like booked.

Dinner TBA

Rooms Left:-

1 x Queen (SPA) $95

2 x Qu + sngl $100

(as always - priority goes to people staying both nights, unless I can do a clean swap)

If this hotel books out, I've got 2 other options directly across the road for extras as well!!!
03 5821 3088

(03) 5821 8411

Edited by Bec
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Rooms Booked:

FRI & SAT nights

Leon, Hayley & Flynn (AND DEEEEEEEEEEEEAN) - 2 b/r family room

Bec - queen

Ryan - queen

Juliette - Qu SPA

Campbell & Laura - Executive w/ cnr spa

Russ, Matt & Benno - 1 x Family (Qu + 2 sngls)

Anna & Luke - Qu SPA

Rollover & EKat - Qu SPA

Kieran & Lauren - queen

Brad - queen

Paul & Katie (morry83) - Qu SPA

Simon - queen

Darren & Lisa - Qu SPA

Mark/Trent - Qu & single

Wayne - Qu SPA

Jett - Qu & single

Chris Taylor Group (10) - 1 x Family (Qu + bunks) & 2 x Qu + sngl (3 rooms total)

Tim Watson - Qu + sngl

FRI only

Jake - queen

Daniel (BT) - Qu SPA

SAT only

Tony - queen

Sean P - queen

Edited by Bec
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Sorry Anna - Campbell already booked that one :(

Ill get you a normal spa room instead!!

Bugger! Thanks, normal spa room will be good.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Bec,

Michael (XR8TD) just messaged me and asked me to post in here to request you remove his booking as he can't make it anymore.


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