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Needing help wtb roof/window spoiler visor


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Needing help wtb roof/window spoiler visor

Hey guys I'm looking to get a roof rear window spoiler and I don't want a fibreglass one I've seen these visor ones on eBay for a 180sx and my mate first showed me when he bought one but they don't make them for an r33 gtst is there and other car with the same or really close to the rear window dimensions of an r33 the visor can move and fleas alittle bit so please help me out guys 

the first to pics is the fibreglass ones that I don't want and the last 2 are of the visor for the 180sx 

as you can see they are see though 





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12 hours ago, niZmO_Man said:

Holy crap, construct your sentences properly.

I'm not sure what you're asking, but look on alibaba for R33 body bits.

Really mate you are on me because of my punctuation sorry there are people out there that my not be as educated as you are and have trouble with writing a sentence and never post or write because of people like you that make them fell like absolute shit and you are the reason So really thank you for shitting on me and my confidence in communicating with forums and people it's really appreciated

really if you can't understand what I'm wanting help with seriously reconsider the life you have chosen as you are a moderator on a website So if you can't be nice don't say anything at all  (remember when ya mum probably said that to you when you were younger)

im sorry I'm not up to your standards mate but that's a really shitty thing to do to someone so please don't mention or answer any of my posts or questions again 

seriously it a forum not a f**kin formal letter to the president of punctuation island so get over yourself buddy as 



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Your period and comma keys must be broken on your phone. Yes I'm a mod, and I try to help out, but if I can't read posts properly, helping out becomes harder.

If you think my post was demeaning, well then you're going to have a bad time on the Internet. Notice how I didn't mention standards and education? It's advice buddy. Sadly your phone keyboard doesn't construct sentences (yet), but voice typing should be able to.

You're not on Whatsapp or Instagram. You have time to think about what you want to ask and type it out, there's no rush buddy.

So have you looked on ali baba yet or do you need links?

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