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Looking for an R33 in Perth!


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hows it goin, im a newbie here, but im looking for an r33 in perth. stock is ok, i want a black one :wassup: preferrably with rims and exhaust :( and less than 100 000km

if n e one is selling one, or knows someone who is, please give me name number, and car details. preferrably photo too.

much appreciated,

Scuba Steve :run:

oh and btw, im only 16, and i only have $11000 so i dun want no tricked out turbos :0P

thanx again

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Hey KLowN,

welcome to sau :D

11,000 is pushing it to get a turbo r33 skyline, the lowest i have seen one sell for was BAMBAM skyline which went for 13,000 but most are around 18,000+ mark. You might want to look at importing a r33, it might work out cheaper than buying localy but then again it might not with all the new import laws etc (for importing website check out www.j-spec.com/list and http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.au )

Im 17 and own a r33 gtst and let me tell you, its hard a times, something brakes or you want to do some work on the car and ur bank balance soon becomes zero :) Insurance will be the biggest killer, i was quote $4100 for my skyline from just-cars and they were the only ones which would do it the rest of the companys said no imports or no drivers under 21 :) 3rd party its half ok if you drive, normal $600.

At the moment i would say if the r33 isnt in your price range and if your not a big fan of importing a car, then go for something like a s13 or 180sx yes i know its not a skyline but it still an awsome car, i would say go buy a r32 if u cant afford a r33 but in perth 32 most of the time sell for the same price as 33 as there arnt may around. But if you were to import im sure u could find a nice turbo 32 (89 model thou) for around 10/11k landed

have alook here for some info

http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.au/?/au/...sp?StockID=2458 - R33

http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.au/?/au/...sp?StockID=2458 -R32

if there is anything else u need help with just ask, i will be more than willing to help, as i have ask a few question in my days (im sure the rest of the members, r sick of me :() and i know how hard it can be when 1st looking for a car :)


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Klown, I'm afraid Mikey is right, owning a Skyline is very expensive, and isn't something you should really consider till you have a steady income. That doesn't mean that your not welcome to come on our cruises, I'm sure many people will offer you a lift.

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hehe ok, thanx heaps for the advice guys, thanx to u mikey too :)

yer mayb i will get u to pik me up from skool one day dat would b ***in sic :0P

im goin to look at an r33 this w/e that was advertised for $12000 so with a bit of luck, i hope i can get it aye.

as for the cruise, let me kno wen the next ones r, coz i got exams n shit in a month, but id love to come ey.

0422475356 is my number mikey, msg me if ya goin on n e cruises :OP

thanx again guys.

Scuba Steve :run:

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Hey npz dude :) my number is 0422 789 830, i see when i get early finish one day (as im in yr12 :)) and i might be able to keep u up from school depends where u at. Remember when looking at the skyline this weekend, dont go crazy style cuz ur looking at a skyline, try and look at every little thing, general stuff like rush etc, also try and get the owner to have a compression test done on the car to see if its running fine.

But goodluck hay, 12k its a pretty good price (must be an auto :D), i was luck enough to get a skyline with full kit, exhuast, bov, system, 17inch rims; for a very good price and it was it top shape :D

I just give you an idea of running cost :)

Fuel (depending of how u drive, if ur always boost or not :() but i get general about 400km to a tank doing all my running around to school and back home. So it cost me about $50 a week for fuel at current fuel prices. Remember with a skyline It is very import to use BP 98 octanc fuel, becuase the car where made to run on 100 octanc fuel which they have in jap. I found that running normal fuel would result in the car pinging at higher boost (around 0.7bar)

Pinging means that ur piston are getting damage basicly which isnt good :(

Im getting a major services done (which should be done at 100,000km) and its going to cost me $1000 and that is from a good place (hyperdrive).

Ohh yeah general things like changing my springs cost me around $50

New clutch cost me $800 install - the clutch was a 5 punk button clutch

Ebc (eletrico boost controller) (so i can change my boost lvl when im driving) cost me 2nd hand $300; i install it myself so that was ok took about 1/2hr

Just change my tyres and was lucky only cost me $680 for 17inch 235, that inc fitting balancing etc

basicly once u get the car, u will most likly not want to keep it stock, u want to change this and that even if its just putting a bodykit or adding a boost gauge. So sometimes ur money goes fast :(

One tip: DONT RUN HIGH BOOST LVL, i say stay around the stock area 0.5bar/0.6bar i have been running that constantly (and now days im running 0.4bar stock lvl) and you find that you wont have any problems with destoring your piston or your engine :D

mike :)

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thanx for the advice man, i go to corpus christi btw, im in yr 12 too.

yer ill look at the whole car, my dad knows a bit and hell help me out. wen i get my car, u can help me trik it out :0P that would b sic. lol yer it is an auto, but it dont matter, im thinking next yr ill get a turbo/manual conversion. cheers for takin the time to help me out ppl, special thanx to mikey.

cheers again,

Scuba Steve :run:

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u do? where u at? y do u go for coffee? yer its in murdoch

nah i only got that info there, so id fit in, coz evry1 here has a fully sic car, cept me :)

Scuba Steve :run:

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murdoch? damn thats far (for a northie like me anyway)

thanks mikey, i'm sitting here reading this stuff as well hehe :P

but yeah my two cents Steve, cars are quite expensive lards to maintain, fuel is a b!tch these days and i just got my brakes done yesterday (also at hyperdrive) and that took a good couple of hundred (thats on the cheap side)... for students, keeping cars's a tough life. Ohh the price we pay... T_T

R33s and R32s are tough to find for 11k aint it? Haha, try and find mine. Period. :)

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Hey npz dude :) my number is 0422 789 830, i see when i get early finish one day (as im in yr12 :)) and i might be able to keep u up from school depends where u at. Remember when looking at the skyline this weekend, dont go crazy style cuz ur looking at a skyline, try and look at every little thing, general stuff like rush etc, also try and get the owner to have a compression test done on the car to see if its running fine.

But goodluck hay, 12k its a pretty good price (must be an auto :P), i was luck enough to get a skyline with full kit, exhuast, bov, system, 17inch rims; for a very good price and it was it top shape :D

I just give you an idea of running cost :)

Fuel (depending of how u drive, if ur always boost or not :)) but i get general about 400km to a tank doing all my running around to school and back home. So it cost me about $50 a week for fuel at current fuel prices. Remember with a skyline It is very import to use BP 98 octanc fuel, becuase the car where made to run on 100 octanc fuel which they have in jap. I found that running normal fuel would result in the car pinging at higher boost (around 0.7bar)  

Pinging means that ur piston are getting damage basicly which isnt good ;)

Im getting a major services done (which should be done at 100,000km) and its going to cost me $1000 and that is from a good place (hyperdrive).

Ohh yeah general things like changing my springs cost me around $50

New clutch cost me $800 install - the clutch was a 5 punk button clutch

Ebc (eletrico boost controller) (so i can change my boost lvl when im driving) cost me 2nd hand $300; i install it myself so that was ok took about 1/2hr

Just change my tyres and was lucky only cost me $680 for 17inch 235, that inc fitting balancing etc

basicly once u get the car, u will most likly not want to keep it stock, u want to change this and that even if its just putting a bodykit or adding a boost gauge. So sometimes ur money goes fast :(  

One tip: DONT RUN HIGH BOOST LVL, i say stay around the stock area 0.5bar/0.6bar i have been running that constantly (and now days im running 0.4bar stock lvl) and you find that you wont have any problems with destoring your piston or your engine :D

mike :)

And all that means fark all - cause if you read his posts he doent want a turbo (read first post) and in his other thread i think he mentioned getting a gts (non turbo)....

so Klown if ive got it right - your getting a gts non turbo - then you can run it on normal unleaded and dont waste your time and money on performance mods - cause its still gona be a slug.

At the end of the day a non turbo skyline is crap - your better off getting a r32 for that money cause you will be able to get a turbo model (gtst) - otherwise buy a V8 commy cause a non turbo skyline will be a waste of time.

PS - i went to Corpus Christi to, except I was cool.

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u do? where u at? y do u go for coffee? yer its in murdoch

nah i only got that info there, so id fit in, coz evry1 here has a fully sic car, cept me :)

Scuba Steve :run:

its at this place on Sommervile Dr called Sommerville Cafe, dont know if you've heard it.. look for the big group of Imports outside :P

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hey bam,

i know the place... i see you guys there alot.

next time i drive by i should drop in and say hi instead of just driving by and making a noise :)

anyway... sorry to hijack... but i woulld say to hold on until you are finished.

there is no point in getting a gst auto and then spending ALOT of money to get a conversion... that is if you are after performance i may add though.

my 2cw

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