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wedding skyline?


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I reckon its an awesome idea.

and hey...I wasnt exactly planning on gettin married this young...and I'll be 20 not 19 lol.

My fiancee would freak out (which is a good thing...coz thats the whole idea) I wanted to do this coz his from the states and his family wont be able to make it so I wanted somethin for him on the day. I dont want the focus to be on me all day...its his day too.

The cruise is an awesome idea!


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depends what the dress is like if its like Nexus's six's wife 2 doors shouldnt be a problem ..... if ya going the whole marshmellow dress then better to go 4 door.

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why not just get 2 skylines... 1 for each of you

dont you rock up in separate lines anyways

so get 2 phat lines for the rock up

and then leave in a 4door R33

most of us on here are very eager to make a scene so i am sure once you finalise a plan there will plenty of folks willing to add an impromptu cruise on whatever the wedding day is

damn i miss my line

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Well I'm not sure how easy it'll be gettin into a 2 door, "marshmallow dress" and all. Although it could prove to be entertaining.

Plus I dont want the groom knowing I rocked up in one...his not gonna see me arrive so to just have the car pull up when its time to leave would be a cool kodak moment.

I do have a date...17th of July its a sunday. Looking like Kings Park for the ceremony/photos, beach for more photos, Barocoos in NorthBridge for the reception. So if all 30-40 cars wanna follow us around all day...be my guest...should be interesting!

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Yeah but surely if all the lines had the wedding V streamer things on the front of their car they would go a bit easy, plus notify the police before hand and assure them no crazy antics as it's for a wedding would be ok. Police deeep..deeeeeeeep down have hearts to :-)

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hahah what kinda cold-hearted cop would give us a hard time on a wedding day? he'd be married himself wouldnt he? and if he gave us a tough time then no wonder he aint married heh heh :(

it'd sure make an entertaining day! :D but july... dead middle of winter... woo boy...

and your speech? thank you to SAUWA for...hehehe.. ;)

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