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Help! Spiders. In my car.


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... I think.

I haven't seen any, but there's always a web between my bonnet and windscreen on the left hand side.

I wash my car every couple of days, and each time I clean the web completely out, but it always comes back.

How can I get rid of it?

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Hehe i got scared sh*tless when a big huntsman spider walked up my left arm when i was at the traffic lights. i jumped out of the car shaking it off. Must of looked completely stupid in the middle of the road

You think you would have looked stupid...

I once refused to get in my car for about 5 min. in traffic because a fark'en HUGE huntsman crawled into my drivers side window that was down about 3 cm and down towards the electric window switch. I stoped the car and jumped out the PASSENGER side and proceeded to do a hissy fit dance for everyone to see. I then saw it in the door seal when got the courage to open my drivers side door and squashed it with my shoe.

Anyway, I use the Baygon 3mth spry in door seals, under the bonnet and boot (not on paint) and have never seen one on/in my car for the last 2 years and I park outdoors under a small tree. Give it a go.

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i feel your fear! i used to spray all under the car every week..

i have refused to get in the car many times... once i was stuck IN the car because the spider was sitting on the window.. i called my girlfriend out and made her spray it, but she srpayed so much that it left a crust of baygon all over the door so i had to go to a 24hour car wash because it was like 4 in the morning!..

also once in my old car i was driving on a country road about 80km/h and a huge huntsman crawled in MY window!!! i shat myself, quickly jumped out after stopping on some grass, my girlfriend jumped out and her little brother in the back got stuck in while it ran over his head on the roof lol. i refused to drive for about 30 minutes... then all the way home i wouldnt open the windows or put it on fresh (no air con, black car and it was 38 degrees outside).

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I have the answer to your problems :(

Go to your supermarket.

Go to the bug spray aisle.

Check the lids on the bug spray.

There is a brand of bug spray that comes with an "extension nozzle" (like WD40)

You extend the nozzle, and spray it into the areas where regular surface spray cant reach.

Inside vents, in behind external mirrors etc (mirrors are where i used to have a spider problem)

Washing the car won't get rid of spiders.

They mostly only come out at night, and seeing as most people wash their cars during the day, the spiders are safely tucked away in bed where you can't get to them.

Spray everywhere you see webs.

If possible, leave the webs on the car, and spray the webs.

The spiders will crawl through the spray, and die.

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not car related but had a huntsman in my room once, above the door so when I turned around he was there so I couldn't get out. Everytime I moved he flared up ready to fight... So I chucked pillows, shoes and everything else I could at him and missed everytime.

It was like an old western movie with a stand off that lasted about 45 minutes. eventually I called in for back up, and got my mobile rang my sister sleeping next door and said come in and get it! She opened the door, smashed it with a shoe and went back to bed without even saying a word.... I have never lived it down.

I can handle snakes and all sorts of spiders without a bother but when it comes to the hunts man, I shit myself! I actually have a rolled up newspaper under my backseat and a can of baygon in the glove box that is how paranoid I am.

I am also guilty of printing this out for further ideas and am going home to spray my car :(

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haha. use to have the same problem with spider webs on my car too. all i did was used a rag to clean the web every day and every time i saw it. think the spider got pissed off at me and left hihihihi....... it's true. the web is there to catch it's food source, if there is no web, theres no food, it will just leave (or maybe it was the sub woofers that made it leave j/k).

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I had a huntsman crawl onto my window an into the weather shield once... it happened when i was in a drive through... i got to the first window and was to scared to wind down the window so i just drove off...

scaredy cat i am

All because of once when i was 7. I was sleeping in bed and woke up because I felt something digging into the skin on my leg underneath my pyjama's. I had a look to see what it was and this huge spider was sitting there.... I've never jumped and ran so quickly while pulling my pants off in my life... I screamed like a bitch

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Sweet, I'll buy some spray.

My last spider encounter was in a VX. A big **** off black spider crawled in the passenger window and sat about 10cm from my face, so I naturally launched into the back seat. Meanwhile, my mate turns around to see what I'm doing and runs two red lights.

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last time I got freaked by a spider was in the woolies carpark.. put my hand onto the door handle, and from underneath it a huntsman crawled out and up my arm, threw all the bags I was holding and did the get-this-friging-thing-off-me dance for the whole carpark to wach :)

I hate spiders..:)

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LMAO... how can you guys be afriad of those things. I encountered a huntsman once: I was playing soccer with some friends in a park, the ball ended up under in thick prickly bush (those annoying pin needle ones). i put my hand in to get it and then i see this huge spider crawling up my arm. I admitt i freaked at the site of the thing crawling towards my face but i ended up flicking it off me and let it crawl back under the bush, possibly allowing it to freak out other people during its relatively short lifetime...

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I was driving home from basketball and I'm sure a spider ran up my leg. I couldn't see as it was dark though. I nearly come out of it. I did the scary-nancy-spider-dance while still trying to drive. I searched when I got home but I never found it. Maybe my shonky driving scared him away.

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LMAO... how can you guys be afriad of those things. I encountered a huntsman once: I was playing soccer with some friends in a park, the ball ended up under in thick prickly bush (those annoying pin needle ones).  i put my hand in to get it and then i see this huge spider crawling up my arm. I admitt i freaked at the site of the thing crawling towards my face but i ended up flicking it off me and let it crawl back under the bush, possibly allowing it to freak out other people during its relatively short lifetime...

They live for years man! So if you see one in your house/car back a few times that looks familiar, it is probably the same one!!

i cant stand spiders! snakes are ok but insects and spiders and i freak out like im gonna die..

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