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Parking your Skyling at shopping centers

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this is great :)

I thought I was the only person who went through this - I know exactly where you are all coming from.

I park in the last spot in the carpark at work b/w a wall and a long column, or try to park away from all of the cars at shopping centres.

I was sick of my old car (laser tx3 turbo) getting banged up all the time by d*ckheads - people with no respect for other peoples cars is MY PET HATE!!!!!!!!

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hey akeenan, where abouts in melb do u work?

the worst are people who don't respect their car and who definitely don't respect other peoples cars, i see some ppl in their shiat box (and sometimes expensive cars) just rip it into the parking and then open their door wide without worry about knocking the car parked next to them. i hate getting dents on the door from other ppl..

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Originally posted by Amir

I take the rego numbers of the cars parked next to me. If there's any paint from there doors on my car, I'll find who they are.

thats a good idea. i gonna try that... prolly write down the colour of their car aswell just in case they leave any paint behind.

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heres a few golden rules i live by when parking.

1.) whenever it is possible park next to a garden, pole whatever limit the number of people who can park next to you.

2.) If there are no garden/pole/whatever spots avaliable park as far away from every other car as possible.

3.) make people aware at work/at school that a particular parking spot is urs so they dont park in it..

ive done this and now people leave me certain spots wether im at school or at work.

4.) Make a friend park next to you, this is what I do at school, I park next to the garden spot and my friend parks next to me!

5.) whenever it is possible take a parents car :(

thats about it...

oh I kinda work at chadstone mcdonalds.....argh :) , but also at a bottlo as well

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The ONLY time that we've parked the Skyline in a shopping complex (saw a movie) was when we parked it in the corner, right against the wall, and parked a friends Barina right in front of it so it was hard to see, and you'd have to steal both cars to get the Skyline :)

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my girlfriend tends to get alittle pissed cos i dont always take the first available spot at shopping centers, im a choosy person and wont just park next to anything, even if im only going to be 5mins :(

need to be next to a pole or someone with a nice ride (even another skyline for that matter)

see, if u park next to a (even a light modded car), theyll respect your car as much as their own and will try not to wacktheir door onto your car

or even someone that looks as though they just bought a new car :) rare, but theyre out there

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haven't had any trouble with car door dents, but last time i was in a shoping centre i was in the only half hour and came out and my boot badge was gone!!!!! in full daylight and rite out the front near the doors, alot of people have NO respect these days:cuss:

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Woooaahh.. Look what i started :)

Its a bit hard to find a nice car to park next to where i live (Backward hill billy mother F@#U#$C@$K SHITHOLE) where a nice car consists of a VL commodore with 17" wheels and an exaust..

So when they see my R33 with 18" crome wheels they get PISSED off that they cant afford something like that and do shit to my car..

I should install a PC with some camera's on all angles of the car to go off on motion. How cool would that be ?

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Last time i was in shopping centre car park i was backing into by a 4WD.. $2000 later ( thank god it wasnt my fault) and thats the last time i take the skyline to a shopping centre..Usually i take the sukzuki .. but if i really have to.. I used the park next to a pole or park far far away deal..



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i always gotto bankstown square shoping centre. supposednly one of the wors places in the whole of australia for car theft and damage. been doing it for the last 2 years

never had a problem.

work that ou hey

i even leave it to watch movies extending to midnight

touch wood


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