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super cruise????????< what the


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Super cruise sucked this year!!!!!!!!!!! cops everywhere, stopping the event. I hate going to cruises and every turn cops dispercing crouds, etc. Ok maybe i just had really bad day, but i felt a little unwanted all round the gong. :(

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what was so bad about it?

of course theres going to be cops!

there is every year.

i thought it was sweet, got to albion park , chilled for a while checking out cars, went to the gong had lunch, watched more nice cars, cruised a lil more. then went home.

what do you expect?

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na it was fun considering there was a lil bit of a let down on the organisation side of things and the cops blocking off the entry , leaving half of us outside the airport while inside i never saw a single cop ( accept 1 driving past once.) .. Defect stories i dunno about as i wasnt looking for attention but wat i remember is seeing the best R34 N1 spec gettin some serious backfire and then getting pulled over by the cops . The look on the guys face was priceless. Im sure he was NOT happy to say the least ( no like he was doin anything wrong either :) )

Ya had a day but some aspects were missing , But still to see all them NICE liners :P and other sorts of cars was good enough and fun enough for me :P besides my camera dieing on me just as i was goin to take more pics of some luvly liners :D .

I went to Roselands with a few other mates at about 11ish , but ended up leaving soon after as it was heaps HOT there :) soo many COPS and defects . Took about 20 mins just to leave the bloody car park there was that many cars there . Which once again was a let down to miss out on all but MORE cars that would of come to Albion Park if they could of got in.

Oh well had a nice drive and chat with peeps :P

Will post pics sometime when i get it all sorted

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Was a good day. Saw [R32] inside the airport and a few other lines. There wasn't as many cars in there due to the police blockade, Wollongong exits were the same. Saw JETT at the lighthouse carpark. Plenty of GTS-t's, but only saw a handful of GTR's.

Was the R34 GTR that was pulled over a red one, R32?

I was in a black VT SS.

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i saw a few gtr's i was cruising with my car ( jett ) and my mates black r32, there a few nice gtr's out there, hope to see some more next time, love the cops pulling over people for defects right in front of the carpark entrance, and the cops on trail bikes giving out defects, just love it.

all in all wasnt to bad, cops blocked off a few streets not letting cars in to the lighthouse carparks, just one major problem is lack of food, aybe next time someone can organise a big BBQ for all the people there. that would be good

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The organisers had a BBQ at the truck stop behind the service station on the left just before the entrance to the airport. Pity no one was told about it. Alot of the cars were also parked in there. I also doubt that much money was raised as I didn't see anyone selling any stickers or asking for donations.

There was plenty to eat at the nearby shops (plus a McD's about a km down the road). I think last year was much better in that people could actually see most of the cars at the one spot.

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I had an enjoyable day, I expected the amount of police, no surprises there, considering the sheer number of cars, what really did get on my nerves, was the lack of organisation. There was none, it was supposed to be for charity? I went for a walk at the airport and saw nothing that resembled a donation collection or anything? No food or drink? For what was supposed to be an organised arrival point it was crap.

But was good to see some mates, meet some peeps, mostly enjoyable, Ill go next year but ill be prepared, drink and food and a picnic mat wouldnt go astray.

*PS Bizz I didnt get many pics (wtf were u doing with our camera for half an hour? Ya only took one photo! :)) but the ones I took ill host them on my webspace but they are really only of our crew.

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I cant believe my FRIGGIN luck!

1 Measly PHOTO! :P hahahah wat was i thinking!. And i took so many nice pictures of cars too , but thanks anyway dave lol , needed that camera :)

I have heaps of ones from the road up to the meetup ill give em to u later and u host them too , few small 1 min clips too of various cars .

That R34 Was red NXTIME.

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I got to the airport early and watched the parade of cars roll in and out for hours - great weather, perfect for cruising... Shame about the F**KWITS engaging in grass sports!

Headed into town after coming home and chilling out for a while - eating lunch etc.

Those two cops on road/trail bikes were doing WELL above 40km/h through South Beach back and forward for an hour and riding on the wrong side of the road AND up the footpath straight at pedestrians... Dicks.

Town was a bit of a dud by that stage though :P Had a good day.. :)


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We drove past you Adrian inside the Airport, I called out to you and you looked around bewildered :) I was incognito in a black VT SS :P You should have filmed the cops on the trail bikes and sent it into the Police Ombudsman :P

Bizz, that Red R34 with buddyclubs is an absolute machine. Big twin turbo set up, apparently.

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