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Stainless Manifolds

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Sorry if this has been posted before but just want to know before I go ahead.

First, i know Top mount manifolds are illegal.......thats known.

but.....if I get a Stainless manifold low mount style, is it defectable?

also, if it isn't defectable, if you get EPA'd does it need to be changed back to stock?


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Guest two.06l
I didnt think high mount manifolds were defectable? If they are, why is this?

any modification changes from factory is defectable!

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If something is not in the original position, it is defectable.

For example, if the car came with a top mount intercooler and was changed to a front mount - it's defectable & visa vera.

Depending on which state's but I think you are allowed 1 modification before you can get defected, eg cold air intake or intercooler.

This is relating to any modifcation other an standard

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Unless you have an engineers report for those changes.

Depends on the laws that you read also, and how they are interpreted. I mean almost any mod can be engineered so its legal. But then you go to EPA and your stuffed. Or the cops decide to pull out the ADR book.

End of the day, do what you want to do, enjoy your car. If you dont give the police a reason to pull you over to the point where they are lifting the bonnet you should be right anyway. Just dont show big crowds of people :D

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Depends on the laws that you read also, and how they are interpreted.  I mean almost any mod can be engineered so its legal.  But then you go to EPA and your stuffed.  Or the cops decide to pull out the ADR book.

End of the day, do what you want to do, enjoy your car.  If you dont give the police a reason to pull you over to the point where they are lifting the bonnet you should be right anyway.  Just dont show big crowds of people ;)

If the regs are interpreted as the engineer does then it's done the right way.

The cop with very little engineering experience is the one who needs to be eduacted on this issue.

BTW, QLD's system of mod plates and many of their gay regs dont hold up in NSW.

NSW are far stricter on things like pods and high mount turbos, but the NSW reports are more detailed and all are kept on the NSW police database.

PS: I used to be in the RTA approved engineer game :flamed:

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ANY modifictation deviating from standard is Defectable...

Even with engineers papers you can be defected on what the papers you have obtained (paid for) from an engineer you may still be defected with the burdon placed on you to prove that it meets ADR spec.

Generally the rules are written up to make the whole experiance as much of a pain in the a$$ as possible, I guess to discourage you from the evils of modding your car...

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ANY modifictation deviating from standard is Defectable...

Even with engineers papers you can be defected on what the papers you have obtained (paid for) from an engineer you may still be defected with the burdon placed on you to prove that it meets ADR spec.  

I was waiting for these kind of replies.

A RTA approved engineer has guidelines on ADR's and must follow them. Some states have stricter regs than ADR's and these regs in that state take precedence over the ADRs (The regs are stricter than the ADRs).

You can still get defected if the engineer hasn't examined the car throughly or has missed a detail on the car that affects ADRs. To become a RTA approved engineer in NSW is not an easy task, there are a few engineers in NSW who are turning a blind eye for that extra dollar (this is happening alot in QLD. The Rules and regs are getting tighter every year in NSW, This has forced some engineering signatories to shut up shop coz they are not able to engineer cars due to the stricter rules.

I've been defected for things which were ADR compliant and listed on the engineers report but to no avail the traffic cop insisted that it was a defect. My experience working along side RTA approved engineers didnt seem to register in the cops head.

Generally the rules are written up to make the whole experiance as much of a pain in the a$$ as possible, I guess to discourage you from the evils of modding your car...

Yep your spot on. They keep moving the goal posts making it impossible.

Even with a report, visual changes always bring unwanted attention. Dont want the attention? loose those carbon fibre bonnets and aftermarket wings etc...... ;)

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