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Bass Junky's R33 Afm To Turbo Ducts

Bass Junky

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey ppls.

Well, I've heard little from the thread and have only received one payment (Thanks Yogi) so far.

BUT. I think this is becuase I haven't yet been able to show you a sample.


This is why. Troy who has already made the jig to do the fabricating has been building his new business, so I'm just waiting on him to finish it and get set up. This is the most important thing to him right now, and that's fair enough. He's a great asset to this club so I'm not going to rush him to do them. He has, however, promised that these ducts will be the first cam off the rank once he is set up.

I will extend the cut off date once Troy is set up, and that way, I can get a prototype made up to show to you guys, and I can get Jager's duct back to him.

In the meantime, if anybody has an R33 duct lying around unused and not going to be used again, please let me know, as I'd love to get Jager's back to him as quickly as possible.

Anyway, thanks for your patience.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

so is that what u actually get that is shown in the pic? i dont understand what u actually get. is it just a pipe that goes in the rubber intake pipe off the turbo before the air flow meter or does ot include the attachment from the airflow meter to filter shown in the pic? cuase u can get a mandrel bent 3 inch pipe and put that in the ducting for 30 bucks from and exhaust shop and that will do the job, but if it includes the bit that joins onto the pod then its a top buy

let me know, im confused

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