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Doing 224Km/hr!!! any excuses??


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Did any one hear about that dood that drove his friends car that was a beamer coming from ACT to Syd??

he was caught doing 224!!

and his excuse was that it was dark and that he couldnt see that much and that it was scary and that is y he drove that fast.



i cant seem to find anything on the net about this but i just saw it ont he news

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Yeah but, yeah but, did anyone hear about that copper over here in the UK who was charged with speeding at 159mph (254kmh) in a 70mph (112kmh) area, and over 120mph (192kmh) in a 60mph (100kmh) area.....evidence used was his own in-car video. He was not in pursuit of anyone and had no flashing lights. But he got off anyway after explaining to the court that he was testing the capability of his new traffic car.


It's a good road though, on which you can see for miles ahead, and I once "tested" an RX7 on the same stretch while delivering it to the bloke who bought it off me. I didn't intend to but some big Beamer with 2 suits in it kept stoking me on. Before I knew it, I just thought "oh bollocks" to myself and floored it. I couldn't see the speed on the speedo as the steering wheel was in the way, but the rev counter said almost 7000rpm, in 5th, and ever-so slightly going downhill.

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I think a lot of us have "tested" the top speed of our cars... but if I was caught, I wouldn't use an excuse. It's my bad, and i'd just cop it on the chin, so to speak.

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I think a lot of us have "tested" the top speed of our cars... but if I was caught, I wouldn't use an excuse.  It's my bad, and i'd just cop it on the chin, so to speak.

forget copping it on the chin. you get caught going 224kmh you will be copping it up the arse.

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Guest Mashrock
forget copping it on the chin. you get caught going 224kmh you will be copping it up the arse.

hahaha. maybe he likes to suck ****? and get that ball slappage on the chin?

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You won't be copping it up the arse if you are caught doing that kinda speed, just a big fine and a large loss of license.

Sorry clearly you guys are all perfect road drivers... ;)

At least I am honest enough to admit it. I don't drive like that anymore, but if someone wants to go out there and do 224km/hr on a freeway (M4, M5, F3, etc), well that is their decision.

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No-one gets a 'go straight to jail' card for traffic infringements unless it involves alcohol or some kind of bodily harm.

Decades ago someone got bashed into a coma for unpaid parking tickets.

Only the media is cretinous enough to suggest jail time for 'no harm, no foul' speeding charges.


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