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Do You Get Pulled Over For No Reason?


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1: do you wear a baseball cap

2: is your seat reclined so you look like a tool that couold possible wear a baseball cap

3: do you drive through shopping centers in 1st or second at 80 km/h at 2am in the morning and actually think its cool!!!!( in a baseball cap)

4: does your car have stupid stickers (and wear a baseball cap)

5: do you have p-plates and wear a baseball cap

6: have you lost your license in the last year (and wear a baseball cap)

if you answer no to all of the above i bet everyone is laughing at this thread

if you answer yes to 2 or more just enjoy getting pulled over because your asking for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: :D :lol:

as for all you p plater basball cap wearing, shopping centre, maccas carpark, 30 degree seat angle. people who get pulled over who are going to respond to this post

i really do love you but i do like a stir B) :lol: ;):O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by fatz
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if you go to sydney's rocks u will get done most liekly... here is a story of the last time i got pulled over......

me and mate got pulled over in the 34 about 2 weeks ago for no reason, not just that, when they seen us take a turn, they changed their lanes and instead of turning their own way, the cops ran the traffic lights without sirens on just to pull us over. Copa was alrite to me, just got my license, had a look at the rims and asked wat size are these... i said 19" and he goes wats the standard on these and I said 18. He said cool and gave me back license and gave me RBT. Went over to my passenger whos a Lebo and took his license for no reason and went to check it!!! 5 mins later they come back start giving us attitude... we asked y we got pulled over and they didnt wanna answer and told us to piss off.... f**k that shit... Straight to the liverpool police station and we filed formal complaints and ended up talking to the Chief for an hour about his life stories hahaha at 3 im the morning mind you.

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ive been pulled over once comming back from the track with a 3.5 inch side pipe on had a good yarn to the cops (about 110 decibels, noice and loud)

good blokes once they realise you dont have a baseball cap on and a girlfriend who doesnt use the words "yous cops suck, check out the sick suboooffer"... i

invited them out to the next drift day hopfully they can scare a few people in the car park when they turn up


Edited by fatz
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yeah i get pulled over a bit, and its usually when im about 20 seconds from home, although the last time i got pulled over was in penrith...a mate and myself were at jamison park kicking the soccer ball around, we were on the way back to his place, i pulled out of jamo park and just as i turn left a cop went past going the other way...and sure enuff by the time i got to the roundabout he was behind me, i wasnt speeding or even revving it past 4 g for that matter, turned at the next corner and the blue and reds come on, i already had my license out anyways as i new it was comming. did the usual rbt then it was the usual " pop the bonnet please" so i did, he saw the bov and i said as far as i understand this bov is legal as its plumback (turbosmart)

gave me a warning for my pod, checked the rims, asked what original rims were, i said 16, ive got 18's on it, the came the exhaust 20 questions...its not really a loud exhaust, its just a nice midrange note...but because its a big cannon, i get targeted all the time, 9 times out of 10 they r all good, but ive had 2 prick cops that kept me for bout 15 mins while they went over the car...but the funny thing was with the last one, while he was behond my car looking at the exhust he didnt even realise the inner tyre wear on my rear two tyres (due to old suspension, poor wheel alignment)

but yeh its always yes sir no sir, my mum and dad taught me the ways haha...the have had high powered cars aswell (mum=TT soarer dad= XA GT falcon) so i guess i can thank them for that lol

aaaaaaanyways from my experience, they dont hound u as much if u actually use manner and show a bit of respect, even if it is an act lol

p.s. i wear a billabong hat, does that make me a hoon???? haha

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1: do you wear a baseball cap

2: is your seat reclined so you look like a tool that couold possible wear a baseball cap

3: do you drive through shopping centers in 1st or second at 80 km/h at 2am in the morning and actually think its cool!!!!( in a baseball cap)

4: does your car have stupid stickers (and wear a baseball cap)

5: do you have p-plates and wear a baseball cap

6: have you lost your license in the last year (and wear a baseball cap)

if you answer no to all of the above i bet everyone is laughing at this thread

if you answer yes to 2 or more just enjoy getting pulled over because your asking for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol:  :huh:  :lol: 

as for all you p plater basball cap wearing, shopping centre, maccas carpark, 30 degree seat angle. people who get pulled over who are going to respond to this post

i really do love you but i do like a stir B)  :lol:  :blink:  :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha, ok:

1: do you wear a baseball cap.| yep

2: is your seat reclined so you look like a tool that couold possible wear a baseball cap. | nup, if ya had a crash ya would like slide under the seat belt.. neva good

3: do you drive through shopping centers in 1st or second at 80 km/h at 2am in the morning and actually think its cool!!!!( in a baseball cap) . | nup.. :mellow:

4: does your car have stupid stickers (and wear a baseball cap) | does SAU and apexi count?

5: do you have p-plates and wear a baseball cap. | lol.. yeh, reds..

6: have you lost your license in the last year (and wear a baseball cap) | nope

neva been pulled over once. had quite a few looks though, which i went nice and slow past and tryed not to have too much off a blow off noise when shifting. havent even been pulled over for a RBT . i think im lucky or sumthing.. maybe its the area? galston/hornsby/castle hill area?

been followed quite a few times though.. once was my falt for going too fast up a hill after the lights changed.. but they didnt catch up will i was doing 60 again, and the followed me for about 20kms and even when i pulled into the servo for fuel :rolleyes:

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never been pulled over in the past 5 years i've been driving..

don't tend to get that many looks in my car anyways.. than again I don't speed that often.. I wear a cap.. but eh, what's your problem with cap's..

guess having my stock rims turns them away :huh:.. don't really get followed either - but that's the way i'd like it to stay..

could be something to do with where I live - who knows..


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Been pulled over once at midnight coming home from a party for a "random licence Check"

The lady officer was askin what I was doing, where I was headed etc.

Just to distract me while the other guy searched around my car with a flashlight. Good thing I'm a stockie :huh:

Just gave the once over on my licence, handed it back to me and said have a good night.

Other than that I've never been pulled over

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