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Everything posted by Mr_GaZZa

  1. Hey Everyone, I am seriously over seeing many of the car magazines out there comparing SUPERCARS with the upgraded family car sedans with bigger brakes and larger 'powerful' engines in them and still thinking they are comparable... Its just annoying because there NOT a SUPERCAR!! Examples like the HOLDEN W427 and the FPV Typhoon are the same as any of there models chassis wise. So how can they compare this against a car that has been engineered for years for pure performance and track?? And Saying that has the history behind the name/model for super cars. So yeah, what are your thoughts?
  2. 1/4 mile times are not a good measure of power at all!!! Theres like way too many factors come into account... Just by changing tyres / pressure results in lower times... Dynos are just a BENCHMARK to Measure the cars power output 'not performance'.
  3. I reckon its your CAS, i had simarly problems with my GST-T =P gd luck
  4. Nothing to report because i dont have a skyline [=
  5. +1 bring back the Rb Straight six... sound sooo much better!!
  6. lawl tru tru well yea i got pulled ova doing excessive speeding n going sideways... i got a warning coming soon .... HID LIGHTS for sure
  7. haha no worries =P pwn u soon in the world of warcraft lol Gaz 'waiting on net connection'
  8. I got a Alliance Level 80 Druid - Resto/Balance 'duel spec' +2300 Sp +1100 intel +1000spirit 'or close to it' + 450 lw/skinning all decent epics and all that fun stuff pm offer if interested?
  9. his so not the stigg... they want you to believe that
  10. YUKK, the 370z is hell ugly car.. well on the outside anyways!! its not even noticably faster then the 350z too... So i aint to sure who'd want to buy this $75,000 car and + 1 to what ash said... top gear australia is completely stupid, what market do we have here... considering its all commonhores and falcs!!! the Uk edition rules
  11. +1 But i reckon its a media scam... so we all go and do what they tell us. We live in the year 21st century and you all believe what we hear and see on the news and papers! (: so good luck to anyone who wants to try your luck ay
  12. ouuchhies, wat a shame!! um whos 350z? i'll wtb parts [=
  13. haha once again media never get there info/pics right!!! yup nice 370z interior shot lol, makes you wonder what they actually drove on the review hahahaaha
  14. skyline FTW there both in different class's... not really comparable !!!
  15. my old skyline did 700km on a run mid 400s around town, was pushing 270rwhp um the 350z on the otherhand gets at best 700km on tank around town... but if i pump on the power it reads 8km/litre LOL about 600 a tank 60-70l
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