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Hey. Even I would want to meet her 2 say I met her. Shes kind of a skanky air head though. If I were U why not Angeling Jolie... Not in 2 chicks though

there are alot of chick out there, i know. im not picky but since she is in the country, she will do. :happy:

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pfft like i was interested anyways :happy:

some girls like a guy who gets straight to it, others, dont :rofl:

its ok dave, u can re-pay me by providing me with all the aclomohol i can stomach, and then some on nye :D

Hey I like any guy straight 2 the point but I am 9 years older than you. Be proud, It took me this long to get a line......

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Nip bells! Sometimes you guys crack me up. You'd shag brittany anyway....... hey!

prob not, could do better than that. i'd marry her for her money though :happy:

This is not south park style likd Cartmans mum with herpes?

no, south park style where mr slave and paris hilton have the whore off.

i'm heading off peeps, my mate just called me up with a $70 ford falcon XE for us to blow up tonight :D will video and show you all later. should be fun.

play safe now

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Hey I like any guy straight 2 the point but I am 9 years older than you. Be proud, It took me this long to get a line......

haha all good i'm just muckin around havin some fun :D

and i had my first skyline when i was 18, even before i had my licence, and it was only a piddly gts-t, now i own the real deal, a GTR *waits for flamage* :happy:

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haha all good i'm just muckin around havin some fun :D

and i had my first skyline when i was 18, even before i had my licence, and it was only a piddly gts-t, now i own the real deal, a GTR *wats for flamage* :happy:

Now now Ur makin me feel sad. My next automobile will be a Ducati 998. Big red sexy beast between my legs and then a Crysler 300C or New GTR......Ahuhahuh, the Duc may become but the others I am dreaming

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Now now Ur makin me feel sad. My next automobile will be a Ducati 998. Big red sexy beast between my legs and then a Crysler 300C or New GTR......Ahuhahuh, the Duc may become but the others I am dreaming

i love them ducatties, nothing sounds like them!!!

evening peoples


jebus, i never knew babies could type *points at avatar*

P.S hiiiii :D

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i love them ducatties, nothing sounds like them!!!

jebus, i never knew babies could type *points at avatar*

P.S hiiiii :happy:

What a grunt. I love them but they cost alot. My jappa cost 6000 for a 250, the duc I want is $220000. Thats more than the line but it is faster....

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i love them ducatties, nothing sounds like them!!!

jebus, i never knew babies could type *points at avatar*

P.S hiiiii :D

:happy: yeah he dose type on the computer lol the pics only a few weeks old

Checking out what to do New Years. How old is he?

ah we got that all sorted :D new years up the coast :rofl: Friends fire works etc etc :rofl:

Tj was 8 months old on Tuesday

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What a grunt. I love them but they cost alot. My jappa cost 6000 for a 250, the duc I want is $220000. Thats more than the line but it is faster....
Whoop to many zeros.....

lol yeh just the 1...they're in the same ball park as a fireblade or something similar though, meh i wouldnt get one, i'd flamin kill myself :happy:

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Not much, on a well deserved holiday break at the moment, loving every bit of it!!!

I wish, casual work sucks in that regard but ah well I am not going to whinge with $24 a hour :D + 9 day fortnight :happy:

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lol yeh just the 1...they're in the same ball park as a fireblade or something similar though, meh i wouldnt get one, i'd flamin kill myself :happy:

I am old, haven't been done yet. Got the blade up to FAST, but love bikes before cars. The line does get me shaking thought. LOVE IT....... Not dead yet!

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